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Nishinoya started visiting you every weekend. You two were discussing about what you both planned to do.

"When do you think we should tell Shu and Natsu?" You asked, holding his hand tightly.

"Well, it should be before the move starts." Nishinoya calmly spoke, kissing the back of your hand.

"I want you to be here when I tell them." You muttered.

"I didn't plan for you to tell them all by yourself. Remember, I'm going to be by your side for as long as you want me to." Nishinoya said, giving you a soft look.

"Want to tell the kids now? You're gonna be here for the next two days so..." You asked, concerned.


"I'm going to go get them, come on." You said.


"Natsu, Shu? Can you meet me and Yuu in the living room? Pause what you're doing if you can, it's important." You softly spoke as you peered into the room.

"Okay, mom!" Shu smiled, finishing up his game. You shut the door and walked to the livingroom, holding Nishinoya's hand.

"It's okay, it'll be okay." You heard Nishinoya as you both sat down together.

Soon enough, Shu and Natsu walked into the living room and sat on ground. They have something against sitting on actual chairs or couches.

"So, I have two things to say." You said. "You may of known this but me and Yuu are dating."

"Duh." Shu rolled his eyes.

"So... here comes the big news." You muttered

"Want me to say it?" Nishinoya offered, sensing your anxiety.

"Yeah." You nodded.

"So... Y/N is pregnant." He spoke, a bit hesitant. "She's not even one month in so we decided to let you know."

"WHAT?!" Both of your kids stood up and yelled. A loud mish-mash of questions.

Soon enough it fell silent. And Natsu started crying, jumping excitedly.

"I'm gonna get a sibling!" Natsu cheered.

"It's technically your neice or nephew." Shu corrected. "It's legally my sibling.

"Oh." Natsu frowned, getting sad.

"Another thing." You began, stealing their attention. "We are going to buy a house with Nishinoya soon. It's going to make it easier to do a lot."

They both cheered, making you surprised. You looked at an equally shocked Nishinoya. You just started laughing, amused by the children's cheers. Nishinoya started laughing with you.

"Does that mean Nishinoya's gonna be our dad?!" Shu said, grinning. You and Nishinoya blushed.

"Well, I don't mind." Nishinoya said, shrugging. You smiled and shrugged.

"When will we move?!" Natsu asked, excited. "I wanna help decorate the baby's room!"

You laughed and nodded. "Sure, you can."

"I want a baby brother!" Shu said, grinning

"No way! I want a baby sister!" Natsu yelled back.

"No fighting. You guys will be transferred to the elementary school by Yuu's high school and will be staying with Kiyoko for a little while.

"The one with uniforms?!" Shu got excited. Natsu also got excited.

"Yup!" Nishinoya grinned.

"Can I have a boy one?!" Shu asked, almost as excited as a puppy.

"Well... you are a boy, aren't you?" You asked, watching Shu's expression get even happier.

He let out a loud cheer and jumped on you. You laughed, watching him scramble around to grab his phone to look through images to show you some that he thought would be perfect for a baby boy. Natsu ran off to  see pictures aswell.

"I'd say they took it well." You joked


It was hard saying goodbye to your team. They didn't take it well. You felt horrible because they all looked heartbroken. You never told them why you were leaving. You told them you could plan to come by and visit next year. They still weren't happy.

"You be good for me, okay?" You said mostly, looking at Shu. "Don't pick fights with your siblings."

"He's not my brother!" Shu argued, annoyed. "He's just some dude Kiyoko lives with."

"Fine, don't pick fights with your uncle or your aunts." You said, teasing. Shu got even more annoyed but held his tongue. "We'll tell you if or and when we get the house and when we can have you come home."

"Mom!" Shu whined more. You felt the car slow to a stop you looked to Nishinoya, who was parking the car. You smiled as you both got out and walked to Kiyoko's front door.

You opened the door as if you lived there and saw Kiyoko on the couch.

"Hey." Kiyoko greeted, not even surprised.

"Auntie!" Natsu smiled, skipping over to Kiyoko and jumped up to sit next to her.

"Do I really have to stay here?" Shu said, stubborn. Shoyo started walking down the hall.

"Oh. Hey, Y/N." Shoyo greeted.

"What's up, Ed Sheeran." Shu said, grinning as he clearly pissed Shoyo off.

"Not much. What's up with you, Back-up." Shoyo said, giving an evil smirk.

You grabbed Shu and Shoyo by their ears, making them shriek and make some cacophony of noise from the pain.

"I thought I told you 'no fighting'!" You scolded.

"Sorry, mom!" Shu whined, holding your wrist. You sighed and slowly loosened your grip so you didn't hurt them too much.

You were about to turn to Kiyoko when you caught movement from the corner of your eye. You abruptly moved forward, catching Shu's arm right before he elbowed Shoyo in the rib. You blinked for a second, not even realizing what you did. You saw Shoyo had already flinched back and Natsu braced herself for the sound.

"Don't." You said, coldly. Shu shivered and nodded.

"Yes ma'am." He spoke, shuddering from your tone.

"Anyways... Shoyo, Kiyoko. Can you come upstairs, me and Yuu need to tell you something." You spoke, watching Nishinoya tilt his head before understanding and nodding.

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