Sleepy Night

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~♡~POV: Nishinoya Yuu~♡~

  I saw the giant creature thing and it noticed me quite quickly. It instantly went on its knees and picked me up.

  "Hello, again." It smiled.

  "...hi." I did not mean to sound that nervous.

  "I see you have a day with Y/N again. Isn't she sweet?" The creature smiled.

  "Is that even a genuine question? She's an angel." I subconsciously said, blushing.

  "Oh, good, I'm glad me breaking it didn't effect it too much!" They literally sparkled. Are they a god or something?

  "...what did you break again?"

  "Oh, you glitched out last time. That's probably why. I broke the soulmate string."

  "...Y/N's my soulmate?!"

  "Yes! Ever wondered why your string is broken? I cut it because Y/N got tangled in it when she was younger and nearly choked her to death. It's one of the lighter scars around her neck."

  "Are you her guardian spirit or something?"

  "Kinda, it's complicated."


  I woke up and instantly went red. I grabbed the pillow from under my head and slapped it over my head. These are just dreams, these are just dreams... well... at least they're not wet dreams. DAMMIT, YUU, DON'T BE A PERVERT!

  I got up from bed, seeing my string give a soft glow. It was tangled around me. It took a moment to untangle myself and decided to explore the house to get to know the layout.

  I soon found myself at Y/N's room, she was studying. Her clock said that it was 2 A.M... why is she still up? She had papers scattered everywhere on her desk. She looked so focused, it was kinda cute.

  "Why are the tests so hard? I don't even learn anything." Y/N gave a mutter.

  She stood up and turned to collapse in her bed, she didn't even turn off her lamp. She let out a comfortable sigh before burying herself under the mass amount of unneeded pillows and blankets.

  "I know you're there, Nishinoya. Why were you watching me for the last 15 minutes?" Y/N spoke from under the blanket pile.

  "Uhhh..." I tried to find an excuse but found myself turning red.

  "Just come here, dude."

  Call me dude again and I will throw hands.

  I walked over and she pulled the blankets off herself, pulling me in. I went red, not expecting Y/N to be this bold. Does she know we're soulmates? Is that why she trusts me so much?

  "Can't sleep, hm?" She asked, I could hear her heartbeat. It's like she could increase the volume at her will... or maybe it was because I was pressed against her.

  "Weird dream." I mutter, something about her made me want to be honest.

  "About?" Y/N asked, petting my hair.

  "Eh, I can't remember much about it." I knew she didn't believe it. Now she's gonna think I'm weird.

  "You should sleep."

  "You need sleep too!" I said, noticing the bags under her eyes.

  "Not too loud, you'll wake up my kids." She covered my mouth.

  I am the luckiest man in the world.

  I nodded and she uncovered my mouth, I didn't know why I kinda liked it. Why can't I just have a clean mind.

  "But you do need sleep." I looked to her sleep deprived eyes.

  "Eh, I'll be fine." Y/N shrugged. It's like she runs on pure adrenaline at all times.

  "But you need to sleep." I tried to convince her.

  Y/N just rolled her eyes and pet my hair. Her heartbeat was settling. How'd I suddenly get so comfortable with her? Will people think I'm a pervert?


  I woke up and felt the cold mattress of where Y/N's supposed to be. I groaned and rolled until I hit the floor. I quickly got up and dragged myself to the kitchen. I was having a good sleep, dammit!

  "Y/N, where are you?" I muttered, walking into the kitchen.

  "She's asleep on the couch, she was cooking and she looked so tired so I sent her to sleep. She didn't want to wake you up so she stole the couch." Kiyoko was heard.

  "Oh, okay. I'll carry her to bed." I muttered, walking into the living room.

  I got surprised when I saw her with both of her kids laying on her. She was using her phone as she kept an arm over Natsu and a hand on Shurui's hair. Damn kids, taking my chance to cuddle her.

  "Did you sleep okay, Nishinoya?" She asked, turning her head to look up at me.

  "Uh... yeah." I blushed, at least she didn't look too tired at the moment.

  "That's good." She looked back to her phone screen.

  "How long have you been awake for?"

  "Uhhh." She got nervous. "I didn't go to sleep."

  "What?" I was honestly surprised.

  "Y/N-mom-chan doesn't sleep a lot. She said she doesn't need to sleep as much." Shurui said, grinning.

(I think it's very important that you know I just imagined Nishinoya shoving off the kids and laying on Y/N like 'welcome to the real world, natural selection bitches.')

  "Food's ready." Kiyoko called out. Both the kids excitedly got up and ran to go eat.

  "He's just like Shoyo when he was his age." Y/N sat up and watched Shurui and Natsu. "Hopefully those two will turn out to be a better verson of me and him."


  "Shu is just like Sho. Shu is basically a copy of Shoyo. Shoyo acted just like Shu when he was his age." Y/N muttered, watching Natsu and Shurui interact and be happy. "I wish they have a better relationship than me and Shoyo have."

  "You're still thinking about him?" I asked, sitting next to her.

  "He's my brother. I raised him. He's like my son." Y/N looked a little sad. "I can't help but miss him and think about him."

  "You were really attached to him, huh?" I asked, she only nodded. It honestly made me sad to watch.

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