The Hogwarts Express

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     It was September 1st, 1991 I was half-asleep in my seat, and Draco was sitting across me. "You remember the rules don't you?" I heard Draco say as I was slowly opening and shielding my eyes from the bright lights inside the carriage. "Draco, for the millionth time yes, I know the rules!" I replied with no energy as Draco had asked it a couple times, "Don't make friends with mudbloods or bloodtraitors, uphold the Malfoy name, and don't let anyone know anything." "And you will do well to remember them," Draco said looking sternly at me now, "I promised mother and father to keep you out of trouble, and I don't want to disappoint them!" "You're not the only one who doesn't want to disappoint them..." I mumbled more to myself than Draco, did he think he was the only one obsessing over what mother and father said? He was wrong ever since I got the letter that was all I thought of, to not disappoint, to uphold the noble Malfoy name. "Anything from the trolley, dears?" I heard a voice that shook me out of my thought spiral. "Oh, no thanks," I said my mind still on my previous thoughts, "Speak for yourself! I'm starving!" Barked Draco to which the trolley witch looked a bit taken aback.

The train finally started slowing down and I heard the train rumble as everyone was getting up to see whether we were almost there. Once the train stopped I got out of my seat and got my trunk, there was a buzz of excited whispering in the air, everyone was talking about Harry Potter. I've never heard anything about Harry, Draco on the other hand probably knows everything, mother and father kept a lot of things away from me, the list includes Quidditch, the Daily Prophet, and assuming by the smirk on Draco's face when hearing the name, Harry Potter. "Draco, who's Harry Potter?" I asked, hopeful to get an answer out of Draco. "No one," Draco replied with the smirk still on his face, I knew that wasn't true but I've learned in the 11 years I've walked this planet to never ask follow up questions. I exited the train and saw a tall person, with bushy hair holding a lantern calling over all first years. "Come on now, we haven' got all day do we?"

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