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     I just woke up and start going down when I hear Pansy complaining about having Potions with the Gryffindors. 'Oh give it a rest already' I thought when Draco's voice boomed above all others, he had a sour look on his face, with slicked back hair, not one hair out of place. "I expect the famous Harry Potter will want us to bow down to him" I heard him say. "Draco, you don't even really know Harry, don't you think you're being a bit dramatic?" I said still half asleep. "Dramatic? Shivani you're not being serious? Potter wants all the attention" Pansy chimed in instead of Draco. I started to argue when I realized it was better for me to not say anything to them, I don't want them to think any less of me. I walked to Potions early and found a seat next to the only other student in there besides me, it was a curly haired, brunette haired girl with parchment and books stacked next to her as tall as she was. I wanted to ask if she was alright with me sitting htere but she was scribbling away on her parchment with one hand on the potions book. Sooner than later all seats, except for the two next to me, were filled and a buzz of chatter filled the potions chamber. "Hi! Malfoy right? I'm Harry. Could we sit here?" asked a brunnete haired boy, with round glasses, next to him a ginger-haired boy, I knew it must've been the same Harry, Draco depised. "It's all yours" I replied knowing it would prove Draco and Pansy wrong. I heard the door burst open, a greasy haired wizard entered the room "There will be no foolish wand waving and silly incantations in this class.." As the professor continued with his long winded speech, giving a detailed summary of what we were going to learn this year in potions, Harry was taking notes on every thing the professor said. "Maybe some of you have skills so impressive, that you feel brave enough not to pay attention!" the professor glided to the place where Harry sat. I found out the Professor's name was Snape purely on the terrified whispers of the other students, he then started asking Harry questions about bezoars, and powdered root, I looked at Harry for a split second and had, had enough. "Enough! We haven't learned any of this yet, how do you expect him to know?" I shouted. Snape turns to me as though in slow motion, to face me. "Ahh...another Malfoy...Well tell me Ms. Malfoy... What would I get if I mixed powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" he yelled, I saw at the corner of my eye, the girl's hand shoot up. Without breaking eye contact with Snape I said "Wormwood and asphodel, when mixed, make a sleeping potion so strong it is commonly known as the Draught of the Living Dead," Snape taken aback, stared at me then asked, "Where will you search if I had asked you to find me a bezoar?" I answer smugly "As a Bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat I would generally look there, it is useful against most poisons," Snape, clearly irritated, asked one final question "Tell me the difference between wolfsbane and monkshood, Shivani," I answer without thinking twice "They are the same plant, professor, some also call it acronite," Snape looked at me very annoyed turned back, heading to his desk, and snarled "10 points from Slytherin for your classmate's know-it-all attitude and 10 points from Gryffindor for your other classmate's thinking that being famous is an excuse to work hard." I started to argue but stopped when I looked over at the Slytherin side of the class, they were giving me dirty looks. Snape glared at me and Harry the rest of class and my earlier attempts of not wanting my whole house to hate me was in ruins.

     When Snape dismissed us I was the first one to hurry up and pack my things, and just as I was about to exit the door Snape called out "Malfoy, I want a word with you" I knew that he meant me, so I groaned inside my head but turned to face the Professor. "Yes, Professor?" I ask knowing full well what the conversation was going to be about, "What do you think you're doing? Are you willingly choosing to let your house lose points? Why couldn't you be a bit more like your brother?" he says one after another, I thought about his questions and answered "Well I was defending a classmate, and no I am not willingly choosing to let my house lose points, and though my brother and I are twins it doesn't mean we have to act the same," I say, fighting back every urge to smirk. "50 points from Slytherin" he said with no emotion going back to his desk. "50? Professor you're not being serious?" I ask panic slowly raising inside of me, "As you seem to know all the answers, Malfoy, you certainly must know the answer to that question," I stood there my heart beating faster than lightining thinking about what the Slytherins would do if they found out. "Dismissed" I heard Snape say and without looking back I left the class ready to feel the wrath of the Slytherins. When I step out of the classroom I see Harry and the ginger-haired boy waiting outside, "Shivani! I just wanted to say thanks for defending me," Harry says as soon as he saw me, "Oh hi Harry! And really it was no problem," The ginger-haired boy next to Harry spoke now "I'm Ron by the way, Ron Weasley! And oh really? Because we heard Snape take another 50 points off," I didn't say anything, but my mind was replaying the scene over and over again. When me, Harry, and Ron reach the Great Hall I wave them goodbye and made my way to the Slytherin table slowly, as there was a seat free next to Draco I went to go sit there but Draco quickly put his books in that seat and says, "Seat's taken" I was shocked at how cold Draco was "Draco, I'm your sister..." I started but Draco ignored me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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