1 | The Pink Notebook

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Fitz repressed a sigh as he stared at Sophie and Keefe laughing and talking on the other side of the room. Why couldn't he have that? Why did he have to lose her like that? How could he have messed up so badly that now she didn't consider him a romantic partner anymore? Not that Fitz wanted that; she looked happy now, and that's all that mattered. 

He was still moping around, feeling sorry for himself though. Why was that, exactly? Many girls wanted to be with him; he received crush cuffs all the time at midterms from girls he didn't even know! So why did this make his heart ache so much? Why did this one girl come and took everything? She took his heart and never returned it. Although it wasn't her fault. HE had been the major idiot who hurt her and let her go. HE had been the one with the blame. If only he could teach his mouth when to shut up everything would be so much easier. Maybe Sophie would be in his arms right now. But no. She was in Keefe's, and he had to accept that. 

Seeing them together was so much harder than he thought it would be. He couldn't help but think that if he was more like Keefe maybe she would still be with him. Fitz had to stop thinking about all the "what if's", especially because the more he thought about it, the more it hurt. He felt like something had been ripped from the center of his heart and now there was a hole in its place. He didn't know how to recover. He didn't know if he was ever going to recover. 

"Earth to Fitz," his sister's voice brought him back to the real world. She was waving a hand in his face trying to get his attention. 

"Hm?" He raised his eyebrows at her. 

"Oh I was just telling you how you've got to pick yourself up. Then you stopped listening and I thought my trip to Mars was way more interesting to hear." She took a sip of her drink. "Turns out not even that made you come back!" 

"I'm sorry Biana. I've just been distracted lately." 

"Well, that's an understatement. Look, Fitz, I get this hurts, but you can't sit around all day thinking you had the girl but you didn't get her in the end." Biana's eyes bore into his soul. She had a way of saying things that creeped him out sometimes. She was scary. But she was also right, and that annoyed the crap out of him. 

"I- I know," He stuttered. "I just- I really messed up, and to think I had the opportunity to have everything just..." He trailed off. He knew Biana understood what he meant, and almost like she read his mind, she nodded. It hurt too much.

"I understand, but it's been a month Fitz, you can't go on like this forever. I allowed you to have this pity party for one day too long." She reached behind her for a pink notebook, handing it to him. It had sparkles on the cover, naturally, but it didn't have any words. 

"What's this?"

"It's my notebook."

"I can see that." 

"Well, open it."

"Why would I want your notebook?" 

She rolled her eyes and opened it for him. It had names of random girls and their numbers written under them. Oh no.

"Oh yes my dearest brother! It's chic hunting time! This is the notebook I use to write all my contacts. I have them saved on my imparter but I thought writing them down on a physical book was more classy. Most of my friends are girl, so I thought if you had it you could give going out there again a try!" She smiled gesturing towards the book with her head. 

Fitz stood up, dropping the book on the counch next to Biana. This was ridiculous. "I won't go 'chic hunting'," he made air quotes, heading back to his room upstairs. "And I don't need to get back out there. I need to stay here and regret every decision I've ever made."

Biana picked the book up and caught up with him. "C'mon Fitz, you already did that, and see? You're wearing jeans. Human clothes with Elvin clothes. That's a bad match if I've ever seen one. You've hit rock bottom, just accept it!" 

He opened the door to his room, trying to keep Biana out as she followed in, but failing miserably. "Gee Biana, I feel better already because of your kindly sweet words!" 

She pinched her nose with her fingers, closing her eyes for a second. "Okay, you know what they say right? If you've reached the bottom all you can do is go up! Or something like that."

He sat on his bed, thinking. Maybe she was right. Maybe it was time for him to forgive himself and do something else with his life. But feeling sorry for himself had been a blast. Or as fun as having a pity party could be.
He stared at the notebook set right next to him. Maybe he could give it a try. Maybe for this one time, Biana would be right and it would be fine. 

"Alright I'll do it. Or I'll hold on to it at least." He told Biana, murmuring right after (and wishing she couldn't hear) "Until I can burn it."

"Great! But there's one condition for me to allow you to keep it. You have to do something else. When Sophie came she took all your stuff away, all your records, you being the greatest telepath for your age, yada yada," She paused for him to look at her. "When all that left, all  you could focus on was her. All your hobbies went away and everything that made you you was thrown out the windown and you became Sophie Foster's sidekick. I need you to get that back. You'll learn to cook- or something- and then you can call my friends on this book. Deal?" 

She did make good points...which he hated. Now that he thought about it, he did become Sophie Foster's sidekick (and love interest for a little while), and he did lose himself in the whole saving the world thing. Maybe that's what he needed; "learn to cook or something".  He nodded at her, sealing the deal. 

She left the room and Fitz eyed the bright pink notebook again. He picked it up and eyed the names in the book. Some people he recognized because they had come over to play with Biana when they were little, but they were vague memories. He considered calling some of them, but never did it. There was something about them that didn't click. They weren't Sophie. And as cheesy as it sounded, Fitz could only think of one person who would be right for him. That person was sitting in his living room cuddling with her new boyfriend at the moment. 

Let's just say she wasn't available. 

And Fitz had to be okay with that. Some best friend Keefe was. 

He'd promised Keefe he didn't hold anything against him for shooting his shot, but deep down Fitz knew he did. It made him sick just to think that he did. Sophie was happy. Sophie was face. Sophie was loved. How selfish could he be to hold it against them? 

Fitz knew the right thing was to move on and let her be. But it wasn't as simple as it sounded. He had to try, though. He owed it to her for everything he did. Even if it was like a knife to his heart, he had to try. For Sophie. 

He stared at the notebook once again, but set it down again. He would eventually do it. Just not right now. 

Hello my beautiful readers! It's me, your favorite writer in the whole internet :D 

(i'm not kidding anyone with that^)

I hope you liked the first chapter of Wonderboy! you'll be reading angst in the next few chapters so brace yourself lol. 

If you are a Fitz hater at the moment, my goal is to make you understand Fitz's point of view and start liking him by the end of this book, so if I do this right you won't hate anyone but the Neverseen by the end of this book :D

See you on the next chapter, 


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