How They Act When They're Jealous

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How they are when their jealous

Requested by @00TheGreatGeek00

Author's snip: Yay my first request!! :DD



- He won't get jealous right off the bat but when he does start to get jealous he'll start to try and bring your attention to him instead of the other person

-He'll also maybe try and bud into the conversation too

- If neither of those things work in getting your attention or for you to know that he wants your attention then he gets all fussy

- Sock will start to whine and complain that he wants to go somewhere else or that he wants you to interact with him instead

- Sock will also cling onto you and hold you as a way to communicate to the other person that your his (boyfriend/girlfriend/partner) if the person is flirting with you

- Once the person goes away or you leave then Sock will wanna be around you and be holding you the rest of the time


- He claims that he never gets jealous

- But that's a lie

- He'll get a bit jealous but only if you're talking with somebody and you look like you're having lots of fun in that conversation

- He gets a bit upset because he feels like you could be swept right up by someone "more fun" than him but he won't go up and tell the person to go away or for you to not talk to them

- But if that person is actively flirting with you... oh..... Jonny boi is gonna tell them to leave you alone or get lost

- Not cause he thinks you'll flirt back, just because he doesn't want some creep hitting on his (boyfriend/girlfriend/partner)

- Once the person goes away he'll then either be more closer to you or suggest that you two go hang out alone together


- To be honest... no one in hell even dares to interact with you or flirt with you because you and Meph are a thing

- Cause one, he's literally Satan. Two, he's their boss and who in their right mind would flirt with their boss's partner? And three, Meph is always around you when you are in hell so it's not like they could get away with it

- However, if some cocky dumb bastard does have the balls to flirt with you it'll piss off Meph more than you can believe

- He won't go all ballistic though (at least not while you're right there)

- He'll just grab you gently by the waist or put a hand on your back and take you and him somewhere else while asking to be excused, very calmly but you can hear the angry undertones in his voice

- Once you're not around, then Meph and that person/worker will 'have a little chat'

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