You're Not Okay

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Prompt: (Y/n) is Maxwell's guardian angel who was sent to help Maxwell solve his emotional problems and short-temper. One day after getting into yet another fight with a kid, (Y/n) tries to get Maxwell to see that the way he handles his issues isn't healthy.

Request/Suggested?: Yes by @00TheGreatGeek00 (I know you requested the reader be a ghost that acts as a guardian angel but I felt like making them an actual one fit better, I hope you don't mind)

Tw: the f slur, cussing, mentions of fighting, bullying, black eyes, blood, mental health issues, and emotional issues

(Y/n) = your name

Author's note, I wrote this at like 2:30 am mostly on my phone and while really tired and just really wanna get this out so I'm gonna publish this without proof reading it first. I'll correct any errors another time so for right now just ignore any typos or grammar mistakes. Also this request is based off my swap au. I make a whole author's note going more in depth into my swap Sock named "Context for "You're Not Me, Huh?" ".

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(Second pov)

  It all started when you died. Nothing too special happened with that, it was a sudden accident and death. What happened after that, however, was interesting.

  You met God. He looked nothing like he's usually depicted. He was ginger with a goatee and strong sideburns, along with being very tall and slim. He was very buddy-buddy with you. Which was also not expected. But that's not the point.

  He explained that you didn't live the cleanest life, but you weren't the worst and believed that you could redeem yourself. He offered to give you a job as a guardian angel. You were to be by the side of a human and protect them from any harm and to help them through any turmoil that they're going through.

  You did ask what would happen if you declined, and all you got was a calm but vaguely cryptic "You won't. Unless you wanna go to the other place, of course.". You had a pretty good idea of what 'the other place' was, and he was right, you didn't wanna go there. So you took the job offer.

You were then assigned a human by the name of Napoleon Maxwell Sowachowski, although on the file you were given it noted that he went by his middle name. Originally, you thought that he would be an easy person to protect and maintain since this was your first human. But unfortunately, that's not what you got.

Maxwell got into fights often at school, both verbally and physically thanks to his extremely short and hot temper. Hell the first time he met you, he threatened to beat you up until you explained what and who you were.

  To say he was a bit of a hassle to control and keep safe at first was an understatement.

  Over time, however, you discovered why exactly he acted the way that he did. He'd get picked on for naturally looking and sounding feminine so he would fight those people to both get them to shut up and prove his masculinity. His home life also wasn't too swell either. He wasn't verbally or physically abused, but he was basically neglected and brushed off by his parents. Leaving him with no one to vent to and to bottle up all of his emotions and feelings. Which wasn't good for his mental health at all. And since he got comfortable with you, you could see how much that actually hurt him.

  You could see that behind the tough violent persona he created, he was sad and lonely and vulnerable to just caving in. You understand why he was deemed as needing someone to come in and help him.

  Which was what you were trying to do.

  But Maxwell was one stubborn guy.


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