You Two Wouldn't Mind Spending the Rest of Eternity Like This

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Prompt: I honestly have no idea. I was just thinking about the idea of Mephistopheles with a vampire s/o and just started writing

Request/Suggested?: No

Tw: mentions of blood

Author's snip: I wrote all this on my phone so if the grammar and wording is shit I'm sorry. Anyways enjoy

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A vampire and the devil being in a relationship. That sounds so corny and like something out of a shitty novel. But that's exactly what you and your boyfriend Mephistopheles were.

You honestly can't remember how it really started but you two somehow met and became fond of each other, circa 1960s. He looked just about the same he does now, but then again so do you. You two saw each other in some type of place where there were a lot of people, most likely a music bar so that he could get a deal in with some desperate wannabe big shot, and you, obviously looking for some person to feed off of. Upon seeing each other, you both knew neither of you were actually human. He probably came up to you and said a stupid joke like he always does.

You and him would end up crossing paths again a few more times and told you more stupid jokes that then turned into flirting, then turned into him asking you on some type of date that you accepted since you liked his charming personality.

And here you two are now, decades later.

He obviously spent most of his time in hell where all his work is and you lived on earth since that where you got the blood that's been feeding you for god knows how long. But you two would always make time to come visit each other in your respective realms.

Though, Mephistopheles has offered that you live in hell with him since he's got plenty of blood from all the sacrifices that psychos give to him, that he never even asked for by the way, and the fact that there was no sun there to burn you. It sounded great and all, but you liked to work for your meals and you had ways of not getting the sun's rays to touch you when you did need to go outside in the day.

The times you do visit each other are nice. You two will walk around and talk about how eternity has been treating you lately along with him ranting about the same things such as paperwork, soul management, and the renovation of hell. After all of that is done you'll just stay in each other's company for a little longer before heading back to your homes. But not before giving each other a quick goodbye kiss and a cheesy vampire joke from Meph.

It's not as intimate as people would think it would be. You two's relationship is more reminiscent of that of an old marriage couple who still loved each other. And you wouldn't have it any other way nor get bored of it. You and him don't mind spending eternity like that.

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