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Bakugou and Midoriya did get along at one point. When they were very little and Katsuki's quirk didn't manifest yet, they did a lot together. Their mom's would meet up on the weekends and have wine and gossip while the two would play. They did things like play hero's (and by that I mean Katsuki played the hero and would 'save' Izuku), watch All Might videos, and try and convince Katsuki's father, Masaur, to take them to the park or to get ice cream.

Then Katsuki got his quirk, and their friendship instantly went down hill. They live in a world were some kindergartners could hypothetically kill around 100 people. Just because that was the quirk they were given; the power they were given. So it's no wonder that some kids, Bakugou for example, got some form of a god complex, they let it get to their head. If they weren't very nice people, it'd be a living hell for the ones close to them who can't protect themselves.Midoriya, for example.

Some say it come with being quirkless others say Bakugou is just a terrible person. At very young age, Midoriya was told that he couldn't be a hero, couldn't be like his idol, because of physical disadvantages, like not having a quirk. Bakugou took advantage of the fact that for the most part his old 'friend' was powerless against him. That combined with his short temper, made Midoriya's life unbearable at points.

Middle school was one of said points. Bakugou had made himself a little group of 'friends', and no one wanted to get on their bad side. Which Midoriya always seemed to do, even if he did nothing. You'd think that with 20% of the worlds population being quirkless, Bakugou would find other quirkless kids to also pick on but no. Izuku, being kind of awkward in middle school, didn't have a lot of friends, so he had no one to help him or at least stop Bakugou. Even the teachers wouldn't say anything about it. Don't get me wrong, they heard the threats, they heard the nasty remarks, but chose to stay quiet. Whether they were scared of Bakugou or just not concerned with the well-being of Midoriya is up to you to decide.

Bakugou also sometimes took it to far. Telling someone to shut up or calling them names like nerd or Deku is one thing but telling them to kill themselves is another. Even Katsuki's 'friends' thought so, and seemed to wish that Izuku stood up for himself in that moment. That might be one of the only things Izuku and Bakugou's 'friends' ever had in common. Even years after that occurrence, Midoriya still wished he would have said something.

As a matter of fact all three parties remember that moment a lot.

Bakugou's 'friends' remember it as the moment that they realized Bakugou was not a good person. Even though they had seen it before, they turned a blind eye. They too were obsessed with the power they had from such a young age. And after all, when you wear rose colored glasses, red flags just look like regular flags right? But when Bakugou said that they got their glasses swiftly stolen and were forced to see the bleak reality they had created for themselves. And finally felt sympathy for the kid they bullied for years.

Bakugou looks back at that moment too. He knew he crossed the line as soon as he said it. But Bakugou being Bakugou, couldn't put his pride away to apologize or admit he went to far. Not out loud at least. Looking back at it, he's just glad. Glad that the person he said it to wasn't an idiot. Glad Izuku didn't do it. It almost made him glad he said it to Izuku instead of another person who might have listened. Almost. But the fact that he said that to the person that had been loyal to him even after all the nasty things said, he could never forgive himself for, though he'd never admit it to himself.

Izuku looks back at that moment also. When remembering he either gets really mad or thinks terrible thoughts. When he's mad, he's not mad at Katsuki, he's mad at himself. Mad he didn't say anything. Didn't stand up for himself. After all, how can you save others if you can't save yourself. Other times when he looks back, he thinks he should have listened. That he would be doing everyone else a favor if he did. Sure his mom might grieve for a bit but that's all. Maybe Bakugou would have be pleased with him if he just jumped.

But that wasn't even the most interesting thing that happened that day.

Word count : 796

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