Chris and Street Lovestory Chapter 2

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<It's the next morning and Street wakes up after a goodnight sleep, his phones rings and sees Chris her name in the display>

Street: Hey! Goodmorning! I'm so glad that you're calling me. I'm so sorry for falling asleep yesterday. i was kinda out of it because of all the meds.

Chris: Hey, it's ok, did you sleep ok? not in to much pain? How are you feeling now?

Street: A little sore and tired still but i'm doing so much better now i can see your face and hear your voice. The doctors might come in any minute for check-up but till then we can talk.

Chris: Oh ok, let me know what the doctors think and say ok? I have to go in sort while aswell so, but can i ask you something?

Street: Yeah ofcourse you can ask me anything ok?

< Chris looks a bit nervous for what she going to ask>

Chris: I was wondering if you remember what you said to me last night on the phone?

Street: No, i can't remember what i said? Did i say something bad to you? What is it? When?

Chris: Just before you fell a sleep?

Street: All i can remember is that we talked and got really tired of the meds, i guess i was kinda out of it. But tell me what did i say?

<Chris is a little disapointed and sad that he can'remember>

Chris: Forget my question, it's ok. 

Street: Chris? What going on? What did i say? < Street is kind of confused and worried why Chris won't say what's going on>

Chris: <with a questionable voice> You.. You.. You said I love you Chris! <looks away from the screen, because she is shy>.

Street: Did i? And this was what you didn't wanna tell me? 

<Chris still looks away from her phone> 

Chris: Yeah..

Street: Chris, hey, look at me!

<Chris looks at her screen again and sees Street smiling>

Street: You can always say and ask me anything ok? <smiles>

<Chris smiles back at him and looks at him with intense eyes>

Street: You have no clue how much I love you Christina Alonso!

Chris: And i love you so so much Jim Street! 

< At that moment Luca walks in to pick Chris up for TLi training, Luca thinks Chris acting kinda weird all of the sudden>

Luca: Hey you ready Chris? 

< Chris and Street are both worried that Luca hear something of them saying i love you to each other>

Chris: Yeah i'm ready, i will be downstairs in 5 minutes ok?

Luca: Ok, see you in 5! 

< Chris and Street say goodbye quickly before hanging up the phone>

Chris: I'll talk to you later ok? Let me know what the doctors said ok?

Street: I will and hey chris? I love you!

Chris: I love you 2!

<they hang up the phone and Street falls back into his pillow and smiles>

< Chris smiles to and walks away to meet Luca>

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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