Time after Time

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Vast blue before your eyes of unbearable sadness,
Hearing its call your whisperd name in darkness.
Although eternity for some, the time which passed,
Faded memory and yet emotions linger from the past.

Wrong turn in the life's maze trying to learn how to walk,
Not living, just waiting and fighting against the clock,
Soul in a prison of silence that life handcuffed by time,
Body on autopilot frozen and futile at erasing a crime.

Flashing behind closed lids the shivering horror's past,
It hurts to remember although hazy pieces seeping fast.
Grey clouds instilled the numbness into your soul,
For coldness couldn't chill the boiling blood as coal.

Lost in thought without energy left to hide the sad,
Staring blankly how the whole world's turning bad.
The one person you would have taken a bullet for,
Ended up being the one behind the gun that tore.

Too soon robed of your innocence, you're in survival guise,
When mind replays what the heart can't delete and cries.
Can wipe eyes tears, but not the pain inside the chest,
Breathing's a torment, but know to hide one's ache at best.

You're never prepared for how it feels, alone completely,
Words don't come out when you're hurt that deeply.
Since no-one's listening, drowning in your own voice,
Even if you know what's coming, not given any choice.

Unbearable weight the pain of regret and empty of feeling,
Always with you the sadness of the past as shadows trailing.
No fault against the wound but responsible for your healing,
Don't let the fear be another thieve that keeps on stealing.

Finding ourselves at crossroads countless times,
But stronger once surpassed everything that comes.

See light and green meadows, chasing shadows away,
Listen and live more of what life has to offer, day by day.
Don't ignore the bad, but accept and grow with it,
Just as you are and you can change, for sky is the limit.

Protect your anguished heart from constant thinking,
Dangerous things memories are, when soul is sinking.
Impossible changing the past, it's nothing we can ever do,
Tomorrow is not promised, but future changes start with you.

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