Some Unpleasant Truths are Revealed 3

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After finishing her call with Samantha, she snuck past Johnathan-nii's room towards the door to the 'public' sectors of the dwelling. If he had seen her, then he would have wanted to tag along and that would have eaten up a lot of time. Because of their 'adventures' when they were younger, the boy now had to get permission from their Mother to exit the 'private' section of the house. Even after gaining authorization, he would have to be escorted by a sentry. Just getting all that straightened out would take thirty to forty-five minutes. Christiana could probably complete her entire task in that period, so it simply made sense to leave her Brother behind.

Upon reaching the 'inner' security station in front of the exit portal, Jessica looked surprised to see her leaving at this hour of the evening.

"Miss, may I ask where you are going this late?" the guard politely asked, making no move to activate the egress.

"I want to say hi to Sara-nee," she replied. This was the truth, but only partially. While she planned to visit the friendly security member, she mostly wanted to go to the main control room. There was identification equipment located there that couldn't be found anywhere else inside the complex.

"Ah, I will let her know you are coming," Jessica returned. It wasn't uncommon for one of the children to stop in to see Sara. Not only did they all get along with her, but she seemed to keep a nearly endless supply of candy hidden away in her workstation. So, while it was not a daily thing there was regular traffic back and forth in the evenings. It just rarely occurred this late.

"Thank you!" Christiana responded with a grin and a small wave as the heavy metal door slowly opened.

She quickly made her way to the security wing where the main control room was located. This section of the 'public' part of the complex housed the sentries. Besides the guards' private sleeping chambers and bathrooms, there were two common rooms, a miniature kitchen, and an eating area. There was also an exercise chamber, although this was situated between their sector and that of the servants. While both groups shared the modest gym, the sentinels were the ones who used it most often.

Upon reaching the passageway to the annex, she scanned her palm on the scanner and spoke her daily passcode. As soon as the entrance opened, it revealed Sara-nee standing there.

"Hey there. I haven't seen you in quite a while, so I decided to greet you at the door!" the tall young woman explained.

"Sara-nee!," she exclaimed with a blossoming grin as she ran up and hugged the youthful lady.

Due to their height difference, Christiana's face only came up to the other person's sternum. While she was short for her age, Sara was unusually lanky. As in one hundred seventy-five see-emms. That was why she towered over the child's one hundred forty-five see-emm frame.

After stepping back from the hug, one set of blue eyes looked into another.

"Come inside before the door auto closes."

"Okay," Christiana promptly responded as they both went deeper into the corridor and onward into the control center.

Sara sat at her normal workstation and she motioned for the girl to sit in the chair next to hers.

"I'm glad that you decided to visit!" Sara said as she rummaged around in her desk drawers. Just like secMother Karen, the guard's hair color changed on a biweekly basis. She naturally had deep brown, curly locks, but the schoolgirl had only seen her shoulder-length mane that hue a handful of times.

After a few moments, Sara let out an "Ah-Ha!" before revealing what was in her hand. There were suckers of various flavors, butterscotches, and mints wrapped in cellophane, and even a plastic wrap clad blow pop.

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