Chapter 14

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I have to practically carry Derek up the stairs and i have to shift to do so. When we get into his apartment Peter is crying on the sofa. He looks up and it looks like he seen a ghost.

"Derek?" Peter asks and wipes his eyes.

"Peter!" Derek says and smiles at his uncle. Peter walks over and gives his Nephew a hug. "Try keep this on the down low please Peter. I dont want them to know im alive" Derek asks his uncle. Peter nods and grabs hold of Dereks hand. I see the veins in his hand go black and i can tell he is taking some of Dereks pain too.

"Peter help me lift him on to the table!" I command. Peter does as i say.

"Where do you keep your rubbing alcohol and bandaged?" I ask him.

"Ill get them" Peter calls. Afew seconds later Peter is back with the stuff i need. I grab a cloth from the counter and put it over my shoulder. I rip off Dereks shirt and he smirks at me.

"No  stop!" I scald him. I take off my belt and i fold it in half. "Open" i instruct and he opens his mouth and closes it on the belt. I spill the rubbing alcohol on his wounds and he growls. I dab them with a cloth and bandage him up.

"Your turn" Peter says and points to the wounds on my chest and the blood seeping out through my hoodie.

"Nope" i tell him. Im still confused as to why i cant heal. Derek sits up and trys to stand and i rush to his side. He starts to fall but i catch him.

"I meant to do that!" He laughs.

"Ye well if you dont mind id actually like to keep my back not broken fat ass!" I laugh. He raises his hand to his chest.

"Your words hurt me like a dagger to the heart!" He pretends to be upset.

"Ye well good thing you dont have one of those!" I laugh and kiss him on the cheek.

Peter cant stop smiling now. I k ow he wont admit it but he did miss Derek. Him and Derek are like bestfriends to be honest. Its cute. I bring Derek to his room and he plops down onto his bed.

"Now you can sleep" i tell him and give him a hug. I turn and walk out.

"Maddy!" Derek whines.

"Yes my love?" I peep my head in around the door.

"Your not going to stay?" He asks.

"Ill be back to check on you in a while im just going to clean up around your loft for a while." I tell him.

"You dont have to" he tells me.

"But i want to! There is a big mess in the kitchen and id like to get your blood off the table and floor before it dries" i explain. He yawns.

"Okay okay" he says and rolls over on his side. I close the door behind me and go down to the kitchen. I get disinfecting wipes and clean down the tables and the counters. I get out the mop and mob the floors.

"What are you doing?" Peter asks.

"Building a rocket ship!" I roll my eyes.

"Okay well i want to thank you for bringing back my nephew." He sighs. I stop mopping and look at him.

"Wow Peter Hale? Thanking me? I should celebrate!" I laugh.

"Lie down on the table and take off your shirt!" Peter says.

"What? No!" I look at him in disbelief.

"No im gonna clean those." He points to my shirt with blood seeping through and covering more space on my shirt.

"Im fine!" I tell him. "Ill heal!"

"Not until Derek heals. Your subconsciously stopping yourself from healing!" He tells me and gets the rubbing alcohol.

"Ill pass." I tell him.

"As your alpha im telling you!" He insists.

"You" i point at him. "You are not my alpha. You havent been my alpha since Derek slit your throat!" I sigh and grab the rubbing alcohol off of him. I take my belt off and place it over my shoulder. I walk into the bathroom and take off my shirt. I put my belt between my teeth and put the alcohol on my wounds.

"Come on ya bitch!" I say to my wounds hoping somehow that will make them heal quicker. I quickly do the cuts on my chest and walk back out of the bathroom. Peter hands me a clean shirt after i bandage up my arms, side and chest. I put it on and thank him.

"Want coffee?" He asks.

"Yeah please" i answer. He nods and walks further into the kitchen.

I look around and spot a broken wall. Then flashbacks come back.


"What the fuck were you thinking?" He yells at me after i help him up.
"I- i-" i stutter unable to find words. He has yelled before just not like this. I can smell the anger on him and i can hear it in his voice.
"Well?" He yells again.
"I. I. I wasnt!" I yell back. "But i fucking fought them off as well as i could for you"
"I didnt ask you to" he shouts.
"I dont care if you didnt ask me to! I was trying to protect you!" I shout. He turns and roars at me. I dig my claws into my hands to try stop myself from crying. He punches the wall and it breaks.
"You are apart of my pack now! You will listen to what i order!" He yells.
"Oh im sorry your majesty! I didnt know this was a fucking drive through!" I yell. Its shocking how i can still make jokes at a time like this. He raises his hand to me but i grab his wrist. I look at his hand raised slightly above my head and back at him. I take in a deep breath and let go of it. He drops his hand and looks at it then at me and back to his hand. I walk over to the door. I pick my hoodie up off the little table beside it and walk out.

I shake my head to get the horrible memory to leave me alone. Peter comes out and hands me a mug. I smile and he leans up against the counter on the opposite side of me.

I thank Peter for the coffee and head to Dereks room to check in on him. When i walk in he is asleep but he must have shifted or something because his claws are out and his fangs are very visible.

I take a breath in and i can smell fear off of him. I go over and cuddle with him. I listen to his heartbeat and it slows down. I smile at the familiar sound of his heart beat. I grab hold of his hand and as soon as i do i can feel his pain enter my body. Holy shit there is no way he is okay. I hold his hand for as long as i can. I let go for afew minutes and continue taking his pain. Poor thing.

I close my eyes and fall asleep to the sound of Dereks heartbeat.

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