Chapter 1

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"Maddy? Maddy?" A blurred voice speaks to me through my sleep.

"Ugh 10 more minutes" i groan unable to get up at an early hour. I used to get up at 6am when i was in high school. In college i got up at 7am but i graduated last year so i dont really see a point on getting up early.

"No Maddy you said youd drive me to school today while my Jeep was getting fixed!" The blurred voice can now be reconized as my younger brother Stiles.

"Fine! Okay im up!" I groan. I quickly put on a white T-shirt, black ripped jeans and a black leather jacket. I grab my sunglasses and i call Stiles.


"Im comming! Im comming!" He yells back in a rushed tone. I start my car and when he hops in he looks at me up and down.

"Can i help you?" I growl.

"I never relised this but you and one of my friends have the exact same style!" He says with a weird expression.

"Ugh which weirdo of a friend is this. I know it isnt scott because he has a weird ass style and look youve ran out of friends" i tease and he laughs.

"Well he is the same age as you actually!" He says.

"Wow my baby brother friends with grown men! How safe!" I laugh. "Whats his name? I might know him!"

"Oh uhm... his name is Derek" he says and rubs the back of his neck.

"I knew a Derek once! We were in most of the same classes in school. I let him copy my homework a couple times! He played for the basketball team and to be honest, for a scrawny kid like him he was actually quite good at it!" I say remembering not only did i let him copy my homework but i let him copy my tests too. I wasnt gonna tell Stiles that though because he'd probably tell dad on me.

"Thats nice I'll see you later hoe!" Stiles says while he gets out of the car.

"Be careful you mistake!" I laugh. He flips me off and i do the same.

When i get home i change into acceptable clothes that i would be able to run in and i head out for a walk... jog... run? I dont know but i head out on my usual track. About half way through the woods i feel paranoid and i think im being watched. I stop and look around and can see no one. I shrug my shoulders and continue on my walk thing.

After about 10 minutes i hear a twig breaking and i look down at my feet to see if i had broken it. As i do that i feel a sharp pain in my side. I let out a little growl because im about half an hour away from home and i am really hoping it isnt my period!

I decide to turn around and get home quicker but thats when i feel something warm running down my side. I look down and see blood. I panic for a minute and then i see a stream. I rip the sleeve off of the hoodie i had around my waist and dip it in the stream. I ring it out and attempt to clean off the wound a bit.

I hear another twig break and i swear i had never ran so fast in my life. I got home in 15 minutes. When i got home i put some bandages over ut to keep it clean and stop it from getting infected. A couple hours pass and i have to go collect stiles from school.

When he gets into the car he instantly notices the bandages on my side.

"What happened?" He asks seriously concerned.

"Oh something bit me on my walk today" i say flashing back to the twig breaking and the sharp pain in my side.

"What?" He asks.

"I dont know what! I heard a twig snap and next thing you know it there was blood coming out of my side!" I speak quickly.

"Oh" he says angrily.

"What is it" i ask curiously.

"Scott got bitten by something in the woods too a couple of months ago..." he says and rubs the back of his neck.

"Is he okay?" I ask honestly being worried about the boy who has been like a brother to me and Stiles for years.

"Yeah well uhm... he tryed to kill me during a full moon!" He says and i can basically hear his pulse rising. Wait... i can hear his pulse rising.

"Why are you so nervous all of a sudden?" I ask.

"I think there is someone you should meet!" He says looking me dead in the face.

About 40 minutes of driving, changing directions because of Stiles and his shitty directions we pull up to a burned down house.

"Wait why are we at Dereks house?" I ask confused.

"Wait you know this place?" He asks.

"Yeah this is the boy Derek from my grades house. It burned down like 10 years ago!" I say and he looks shocked. He shakes his head and climbs out of the car.

"Derek i know your here. I need you to help me." He says.

"Maybe you should try shouting so someone could actually hear you" i say to him but thats when i see a man with the same style as me walk out of the house. This must be the man styles was telling me about. But why is he in a burned down house?

"Who's she?" He asks bluntly.

"This is my sister Maddy!" Stiles says and gestures towards me.

"Maddy Stilinski?" He asks.

"Uhm yeah thats me!" I reply.

"You know her?" Stiles asks and i can hear his heart rate speeding up. What the fuck is going on with me?

"Yeah we sat beside eachother in almost every class in school! She let me copy her homework and when i was threatened to be taken off the basketball team because of my dropping grades she let me copy her tests!" The man says.

"Derek?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yeah do you 'member me?" He asks.

"Oh my god! You look so different!" I explain.

"So do you!" He says and smiles at me.

"Wait hold on! Derek did you just... SMILE?" Stiles asks over exaggerating the word Smile. Dereks face goes from a smile to a kind of numb look.

"What are you guys doing here anyways?" He asks.

"Maddy was bitten" Stiles whispers to Derek.

"Did you hear that?" He asks me. I nod and he shakes his head. "Show me the bite!" I unbandage my side and the bandage is almost covered in blood but there is no bite to be seen. I panic unaware of where my own wound went.

"Calm down. You just healed" Derek reassures.

"So she is already one of you?" Stiles asks and bites on his nails. Derek stares over at me and back at Stiles and nods his head.

(Sorry i had to fix some things in my story so this is kind of a repost i guess. Thank you for reading xxxxxx)

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