Chapter 31

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Kiras mom sent her to go with some people in the desert or some shit. Thank god! I was going to end up killing her if she didnt leave. She left Scotts beta her sword for protection. He definitely doesnt have supernatural abilities. Fuck sakes like.

Me and Liam have gotten really close in fact. Probably because he feels bad about Theo. Im just glad to be friends with him. I found out he has I.E.D like me and when we get mad at eachother its the funniest thing ever.

"Maddy wake up!" Issac yells at me. I shoot up in my bed and climb over Derek and i get on a hoodie and sweatpants.

"Ugh Paige come back to bed!" Derek groans and turns over in his sleep. I stop and turn and look at him.

"Derek?" I ask.

"Ugh to early" he groans. Paige. Paige. Oh my god! Paige. His childhood girlfriend. I look in the mirror. I kind of look like her...

"Derek! Wakey wakey! Time to get up!" I whisper in his ear.

"Who?" He whispers.

"Paige" i kiss him on the forehead.

"Paige." He smiles and rolls over again. I am not mad at him for thinking of Paige. I actually feel sorry for him. I leave the room and go up to Issac.

"What do you want?" I groan.

"Lydia called your phone several times last night and she wont stop!" He throws my phone to me.

"Fine ill call her back!" I laugh. The phone rings twice before she picks up.

"Maddy?" She says. Her voice is shaky.

"Whats wrong?" I am meant to remember something but i cant! I cant get a grip on whet it is!" She cries.

"Why did you call me?" I ask.

"I dont know. I feel like its something got to do with you!" She cries.

"Okay uhm call Scott or my dad or something?" I tell her.

"I cant!" She says.

"Lydia its 8 in the morning and i havent had coffee yet. Can you like call me back when you've calmed down a bit" i tell her. "And you Issac get your ass out of here your going to be late for work!" I wave at Issac.

"Im going im going!" He laughs.

"Maddy!" Lydia shouts into the phone.

"Okay Lydia listen. Go to school! If you forget about trying to remember it will come back to you!" I tell her.

"Okay fine!" She sighs and hangs up the phone.

Derek walks out of my room scratching his head.

"Sleep well?" I ask him with a smile.

"Meh. I would have much rathered stay in bed with you for a few more hours!" He laughs.

"Yeah with me" i smile.

"What happened" he asks.

"Who said anything happened?" I ask him.

"You just have a look" he points to me.

"Okay but im not mad about it okay? I actually didnt mind at all!" I tell him.

"Just tell me!" He laughs. I walk over and grab his hand and squeeze it 3 times.

"You kind of called me Paige when you were half asleep!" I laugh. His face goes white. His eyes go bloodshot.

"I- im sorry- i-" he stutters.

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