"Just Friends"

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Current Location: Train Compartment

I was sitting next to Mattheo as I was sleeping on his shoulder. Pansy started talking about how excited she was about going back to hogwarts.

"Hogwarts, What a pathetic excuse for a school" Draco stated. "I think it's funny tho." Pansy said as it went silent.

Mattheo shook me and caressed my cheek with his thumb, "Wake up, Ruby. We're almost arriving."

I opened my eyes as Mattheo let go of me and I turned red.

"When are you two getting together?!" Pansy asked seriously, "We are friends, Pansy! Nothing more." Mattheo told Pansy,

"Uhmm, yeah! Just.. Friends.." I said as I kinda had a sad look on my face and I saw Draco feeling bad for me.

"Now if you'll excuse me" I said as I stood up. "No worries." pansy said and i walked away fast,

I made my way over to the bathroom and changed into my slytherin robes.

I walked back to the compartment where my friends we're sitting. "I'm back" I told them, "Thank god! Draco couldn't keep his mouth shut." Pansy told me as I sat down and let out a chuckle.

I felt the train stopping "We're here." Mattheo said, i really couldn't care less. The train stopped and I walked out, I saw people staring at me worriedly. I walked into the castle and I headed straight for my dorm, I didn't wanna eat but sooner or later someone would come to get me.

I walked to the dungeons and behind a door is a set of stone steps which descend deep into the dungeons. The entrance to the common room is located behind a bare stretch of stone wall in the dungeons of Hogwarts Castle. A password is required to enter it; whereupon a passage is revealed leading to the common room.

"Pureblood" I spoke as the door opened and let me into the common room, the common room was absolutely breathtaking.

I stormed to my dorm remembering I have my dorm alone, I walked inside and I was very surprised it was so clean after last year.

I walked over to my bed and just decided to lay on my bed. Not a while after I heard knocks coming from my door. "Hey, ruby?" I heard and I grabbed my wand as i said the door unlocking spell, "Alohomora" i said as my door opened.

It was pansy!

"Is there something wrong?" Pansy asked me as she sat down on my bed, "It's just.. Mattheo, I like him but he thinks we're "just friends"." I pointed out to Pansy and started crying,

Pansy really knows how to handle emotions. "Just forget it and have fun this evening, there's food!" Pansy said as she stood up from my bed,

I wiped away my tears as I also stood up. Pansy did some weird signaling to the door but I thought nothing of it.

Pansy held me as we walked to the great hall.

We took our seats at the great hall and we minded our own business.

I ate very little, I was more playing with it then I was eating and I think someone noticed.

I looked over to Mattheo and gave him a quick smile as he returned one, I felt someone grab my thigh and it was Draco.

"Draco, what are you doing?" I asked him as he looked at me, "What are you talking about?" He asked me back as I tapped his hand from underneath the table.

He took his hand away very fast and I decided not to question it.

A few of the people left the tables to go to their common room or dorm. I decided to go back before I got stopped by Mattheo "Hey, where are you going?" He asked me and caressed my cheek, "No where.." I said to him and he was confused, "Alright, You're up to NO good so you are coming with me."he said as he started to carry me bridal style,

just "friends" | mattheo x reader, 18+Where stories live. Discover now