"That Little Whore."

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I woke up to a heartbeat under me, "Goodmorning darling" Mattheo said in his morning voice.

"Morning!" I said as I walked out of bed to the drawer, I grabbed some boxer shorts and a bra of mine which was already laid here, my dress robes from yesterday and my shoes.

I took off the sweater and put on my robes and shoes,

"You might wanna get up, mattheo." i told the boy,

"me? getting ready?I will just do this!" he said and pointed his wand at himself and I looked curiously at him and said "Multicorfors" and his clothes changed into his robes.

"Okay well uhh.. I will brush my teeth now.." i said and walked over to the gigantic bathroom,

i brushed my teeth with my usual mint toothpaste and when i finished i walked out of mattheo's room to the common room,

i sat there for five minutes and walked to my room getting my bag, i walked out of my room and out of the common room heading to the great hall, i arrived at the great hall and sat next to Mattheo,

"Pssst!" I heard and looked around me. It was my brother, Harry.

"Yeah?" I said "What are you doing with him? You know that he's a riddle!" Harry told me,

"What are you doing, crushing on draco huh?" I said to Harry as he turned red and I looked back at my plate again,

I really didn't want to eat so I only played with my fork. "Morning handsome" I heard a female voice say next to me,

"Hey Astoria, how are you?" Mattheo said to astoria as i looked over to astoria,

"I have been fine, handsome! How are you?" Astoria asked, ending her sentence with an annoying giggle.

"I'm great, honestly now that uh.." Mattheo said and looked around, spotting me. "Now that i'm with my girlfriend" Mattheo said with a smile and put his arm around me,

"Right princess?" Mattheo asked me, "Right, I will introduce myself to her'' I said and stood up,

"Hello, Nice to meet you, my name is Ruby Potter." I said as she looked me up and down,

"A potter in slytherin, with a riddle? Pathetic!" she said,

"babygirl, i was trying to be nice but since you hate me so much, you could just take a seat and shut the fuck up.'' i said to Astoria, "fine, you bitch.'' she spit at me,
"what did you just call me?'' i asked her ''You heard me didn't you?'' She said,

"You should run." Mattheo said, facing Astoria, "Why?" Astoria asked mattheo. "Because of this.." I said and walked up to her, grabbing her hair and dragging her by her hair out of the great hall to the bathroom,

"You get what you deserve, whore." I said and walked to the toilet, pushing her head in the toilet, her face fully soaked.

"Thank me later" I said and walked to the great hall again.

"That was brilliant!" Draco said "Hey, why is Luna at the Slytherin table?" i asked and looked over to luna who was sitting next to draco,

"well uhm, i wanted to tell you all something" luna said nervously

"...Draco, i'm your sibling.." Luna said and we all had our mouths standing open.

''YOU ARE WHAT?!'' Norah asked, ''Hey, Norah! What's your pronouns today if u don't mind me asking?'' I asked Norah, ''It's she/they today! thank u''

I always ask norah that because they're genderfluid, "It's almost time for class with professor snape, i should go" i said and stood up, "i'm coming with u!" mattheo said, "Me to!" Draco and Norah said in sync as they all stood up and followed me and mattheo.

Mattheo looked behind us to Norah and Draco and made some weird faces which made them run to the classroom

"Wha-what did u do?" i asked mattheo confused, "I just made them leave.." mattheo looked at me, we arrived at snape's classroom.

I took my usual seat with pansy sitting next to me, i took my bag and got my book out.

Professor snape still wasn't here so me and pansy talked about normal things,

I heard a door shutting loudly and i flinched, "Hey u alright, love?" Mattheo asked from behind me which made me have butterflies,

"Yeah, i'm alright" i wishpered "What's so interesting now, miss. Potter?" snape asked me, "Nothing?" i said, "Well, u might just aswell share it with us, Miss. Potter", "Well.. Professor snivellus, I was talking to mattheo about how u we're so inlove with my mother, Lily." i said as i heard poeple laughing,

"Thank u, Miss. Potter. U just got yourself a months detention" Snape said, i didn't really care but then.. "But that's not fair, now i can't have fun anymore! I NEED HER!!!" mattheo screamed.

"Fine then, Mr. Riddle, That's 50 points from slytherin." Professor snape said.

We continued with the one hour lesson about stupid potions and we finally left.

I went outside to the garden and sat by the beautiful fountain.

"Are u really okay, darling?" mattheo asked as he sat next to me, "I'm okayyyy!!!" i said with a bit of an attitude, "Hey! Stop giving me a attitude!" Mattheo said as he grabbed my neck "Slut" he whispered angirly.

He let go off of my neck and sat back down, after five minutes i reached into mattheo's pocket to grab a cigarette and lighted it up.

i smoked it and then mattheo realized. "Hey, where did u get thay from?!" he said angirly, "Your pocket!" i said and smiled. "You're lucky that i lov- that i have.. more?" he said and got embarrassed.

"I'm kinda hungry" i said and looked down, "Thats good! Here i got these with me" Mattheo said as i looked up and he got a basket with food and a blanket.

We ate strawberries dipped in chocolate and sandwhiches, i fell asleep on his lap because i grew tired.

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