"Is it just a Dream?"

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I got woken up by the sound of water falling on the ground and i opened my eyes.

as soon as i opened my eyes i saw that i was in my own room, but that wasn't the only thing i saw.

Mattheo was stood there with only a towel around his hips, showing his perfect v-line.

"Staring now are we, love?" as soon as mattheo said that, the door opened. It was Pansy, my bestfriend, her jaw dropped.

"Wait-" pansy said and looked from mattheo to me, to mattheo and to me again. "PANSY!" i screamed

"Are u- Have u?-" Pansy said and couldn't continue with anything.

"Yes we are, and yes we did." mattheo said

"She's mine." Mattheo added as i went red.

"Uhm well i-" i said and i just spit it all out: "we are dating, yes and we had sex, yes, OH MERLIN-" i said and got off of the bed and ran to the bathroom.

"Darling, u don't have to be ashamed!" Mattheo screamed after me.

I locked myself up as i tried to get myself to NOT be a tomato anymore, and when i looked normal again i went out of the bathroom casually.

"There u are! U have to tell me all the tea right NOW!" Pansy said to me and gestured angrily at Mattheo.

"I'll tell u later pans, just let me and Mattheo get dressed!" i told pansy while pansy looked back at me.

"Fine, see u in the great hall babes!" pansy told me with a smile

"See u gorgeous!!" i smiled back as pansy left.

"Gorgeous?! GORGEOUS?! Did i just call pansy gorgeous?!" Mattheo said in disbelief.

"Uh yes, She's my bestfriend?.." i was just amazed by his face.

"Oh yeah right. I forgot..." mattheo said ashamed.

"Well im gonna change, Brb" i told him

"Be quick, Love! Or else i'd have to peek.."

"NO U WONTTT!" i screamed from the bathroom

"BET!" mattheo screamed back"

5 minutes later, I was ready to eat, or well.. atleast go to the great hall.

We we're walking into the great hall together laughing and EVERYONE stared at us, It was do emberassing..

we sat down where Pansy was also sitting.

"Hey cutieee!" Pansy looked at me, "How you doinnnn'?"

I wasn't eating again, I'm just disturbed by everyone looking at us.

"Whats happened with her..?" Pansy asked mattheo

I was just cutting the pancake in the tiniest pieces ever.

"Love, Are u okay?"

I couldnt stand it anymore.

"Answer me please Princess.."

I was making up these weird things in my head.. i think?

"Your a $lu£!"

STOP IT!!! Please end this!


Everything just went black.
I couldn't see anything i just heard little mumbles of words..

"love.. okay?.. me!!"

I woke up in the common room.

"Pans!!" i screamed as i felt a sharp pain run through my right leg. and see pansy lying on the ground all bloody.

i looked down to my hand, i was holding . a . humans . HEART!

i ran over to pansy and saw that she had a whole hole carved into her chest and i was thinking that..

her heart.

That was the place her heart should've been!!

OH MY GOD i was holding my best friends heart!

i heard a soft "hi" behind me so i flinched and turned around.


"i don't know" he smiled widely as he took a pocket knife from his robes.

"Mattheo, baby, what the fuck?!"

"Goodbye, whore."

He stabbed me as i screamed loudly.

Thats when..


Sorry for the like 6 months no update and the short chapter... LOVE U GUYS THO💗

just "friends" | mattheo x reader, 18+Where stories live. Discover now