• epilogue •

506 10 1


• Violet •

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   Today's our 10th year wedding anniversary and I woke up to Vernon, Renae and Victor jumping on our bed.

Funny how time flies, Ryder and I have been married for 10 years and we have three children with our fourth coming soon but Ryder doesn't know that yet.

Our eldest son, Vernon, is nine years old this year. Our daughter, Renae is six years old and our current youngest, Victor is still three years old.

When Ryder mentioned he wanted more kids after Vernon, I was hoping we'd get one more and that's all.

But then I got baby fever and I wanted Victor and now we have one more coming but he doesn't know so I'll tell him our anniversary gift.

We went downstairs together, and saw Ryder in the kitchen with an apron. I guess I married the right man after all.

The kids pounced on my husband as we reached the kitchen. "Hey buds, did you have fun waking mama up?" They giggled together.

"Good morning, babe." I went to give him a kiss. "Happy Anniversary, honey!" He smiled at showed me the table filled with food.

"Thank you, baby. Happy Anniversary, I love you." I went in for another kiss. Until someone coughed, "Uhm, we're still here you know?" Our sassy son had snapped.

We laughed, "Okay buddy, let's eat alright?" Ryder placed our youngest in his high chair and the other kids sat in their seats.

We were all eating happily then I felt nauseous. I guess Ryder noticed me stiffened up, "You okay, hun? You're not eating your food? I thought you loved bacon." He pouts.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just have a headache." I sighed. "Do you wanna rest? Go ahead back to bed." I noticed he started getting worried.


I excused myself and went to the upstairs bathroom. I opened the mirror closet and found the pregnancy tests I took a week ago.

I placed them in my pocket and then felt a sudden urge to puke. I leaned towards the toilet bowl and puke up my breakfast I ate earlier.

After I rinsed my mouth, I went into our bedroom and grabbed the gift box I bought a few days ago and placed the pregnancy tests in there.

A knock was heard at the door, "Yeah?" I called out. The door opened and I saw Ryder with concern written on his face.

"You alright? You seem pale at breakfast. Do you feel sick? Is it a flu?" He asked me all kinds of question.

"No, I just- I wanted to get your gift ready. Here." I handed the box to him.

"Oh wait, let me grab your gift." He says as he stood up and went reached up on top of his closet where we placed our used boxes and marriage stuff.

He handed it to me, "Okay, you wanna do the honors?" He asked me. "Sure" I grabbed the box and opened it to find a beautiful bracelet.

"It has our kids' initials on it." He says. "Aw babe, In love it." I gasped and got teary eyes.

"Okay, I'm gonna open mine now." He says. He opened the box to find the pregnancy tests.

"No way?! You're pregnant? Hun, this is great! Oh my god! We're gonna have another kid!" He jumped and then pulled me into a kiss.

"I love you so much and your baby oven maker!" He kissed my a belly. I laughed at his comment.

"Is that all I am to you? A baby oven maker?" I asked him suspiciously. "Of course not! You're my wife and the mother of my kids! You're my soulmate and the one and only love of my life!" He said confidently.

"I was joking, but thank you baby! You are the one who has had my heart the last 10 years and until forever." I held his face in my hands and pulled him into a kiss.

"I guess there's one more initials to put on here." I pointed at the bracelet. " Yes, definitely!" He cheered and carried me onto the bed.

We laid down on the bed, in a very intimate position then the kids bust in the room. They laughed and giggled as they joined us on our bed.

"Kids! Guess what?" He asked them excitedly. "What? What daddy?" They asked back impatient to know what their father was gonna say.

"Your gonna have another baby sibling! Your mama's pregnant!" He smiled and they all cheered.

"Does that mean you won't love us as much anymore?" Our youngest the same question Vernon and Renae asked the past years.

"Mama and daddy will always love you all equally. This baby is gonna be an addition to our love for you guys." I tried to cheer him up.

"Okay, but I am not sharing my room." He says. It made us all laugh at his cuteness.

This was truly a happy family. My happy family. I thank god and my father for allowing me to meet Ryder.

I don't know where I'd be right now if it weren't for him.

I'm truly happy, they are all I need in my life.

Thank you Ryder, for being the one.

The end.


total word count : 867

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total word count : 867

author's note

yeahh that's the end of thus book :) i hope you guys loved it!! thank you so much for reading my book :D please stay safe and take care everyone, i love you <3

this was vie, writing out..

~sincerely purplebbg~

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