Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

Lenora had learned her expert pouting skills from Dessa. The problem was, they didn't even work on her when the three-year-old was trying to guilt trip her into taking her along with her.

Dessa was attempting to pack all of her belongings for however long they would be in Laria. Not knowing if it would be just a few weeks or longer, she wanted to make sure she had enough of everything.

Len had been the one to wake Dessa in the middle of the night, quietly opening her door before tiptoeing across her room and crawling into bed with her. It took her a minute to realize what was happening, still half asleep as Len curled against her chest and snuggled close, but then immediately wrapped her arms around her baby sister and they both quickly fell back asleep.

When Dessa woke up, she couldn't help but smile and kiss Len's forehead as she began to rouse from sleep, too. Even though it wouldn't be but for a few weeks, she was still going to miss spending time with her.

Their mother was the one to find them, knocking just a half hour after they both woke up and were whispering and giggling, already washed up and dressed for the day. Len wasn't wanting Dessa out of her sight at all, clinging to her hand or her leg even as she began packing all her belongings with Lyv sitting on the bed, watching.

"No fair," Len whined as she clung to Dessa's legs. She looked up at her with wide emerald eyes. "Why can't I come with you? I never get to go on adventures!"

"You will one day when you're older," Lyv smiled, holding out her arms for her. "Come here, baby, and let your sister pack."

Len's pouting increased as she crossed her arms over her chest, stuck out her bottom lip, and crawled into her mother's lap. Lyv smiled as she wrapped her arms around her tight and kissed the side of her head.

Without Len holding her back, Dessa was able to get more packed up in her magically extended bag, which she'd managed to do herself after her mother taught her the charm. Lyv and Len just sat there and watched as she laid everything out, muttering to herself about everything and checking off everything on her mental checklist.

Including her medical kit...and a certain tonic she'd snuck into it from the infirmary without her mother's knowledge.

"So, Elys said you were going to Blackloch for the night, too," her mother said. A small smile curled at the corners of his lips. "Luckily, he only told me that and not your father."

Dessa snorted, rolling her eyes. "I don't know why Daddy's so adamant about us not going. He loves Kalla and we're just going to see her for a day or two."

"Plus, go to one of the famous nightly parties."

"That, too," she grinned. "You guys act like I've never been to one before."

"And I'll pretend I never heard that for Jai's sake," Lyv laughed.

She continued shoving everything into her bag. "After everything these last few weeks, Elys thought it would be a good idea. We need some fun before all of this training continues, you know?"

"I just hate that we're going to miss your birthday," she sighed then. "We won't get to throw you the usual party."

At that, Dessa laughed. "You mean, the Summer Solstice festival, right? And you and Daddy's anniversary."

"We have a lot to celebrate around that time, don't we?"

"Exactly and missing one birthday isn't going to do much harm. Besides, I'm sure Elys, Milena, Eamon, and Archer will do something for me, so don't sweat it."

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