Chapter 52
"If we break into the university library and get caught, you know I'll be expelled in a heartbeat."
"Please. The worst that would happen to you is a slap on the knuckles. You literally have six weeks left of your classes. And you can't tell me no one has ever broken in."
"Of course, they have. You have. Alberich told me the story of when you two were causing chaos there."
"Hey, we had a final thesis paper due the next day and we needed another text for reference in the middle of the night."
"That's what happens when you procrastinate."
"Desperate times call for desperate measures."
"More like poor planning calls for stupid decisions."
"You want to learn more, you do what's necessary."
"No matter how much I want to learn more, I'm not breaking into her office."
"You're one of her favorites, so there's no way you'd get in trouble."
"It's almost like you want me to get into trouble."
"No...but it wouldn't hurt for you to live a little rather than solely focusing on school."
"Living a little correlates with breaking in to a place? What's this we're doing now?"
Corliss glared at Meron over the rim of her tankard as she downed a mouthful of Castyr, not even wincing as the fiery alcohol burned down her throat. "You're annoying me again, Commander."
And that wicked was annoying her even more, especially when it made her stomach twist into a delicious knot. "And I will never stop, Lady Lis."
She knew he'd say exactly that...and secretly loved that he did because she was counting on it. With the dragons, they were stuck together, but she was beginning to suspect another bond between them as well. She wasn't going to say a word to him, though, for fear she might be wrong about the thin, silvery cord that bound her heart and soul to his.
It was a few weeks prior Corliss began to suspect the possibility of Meron being her mate. No one had ever been able to make her blood boil or her magic sing quite like he could...and the dreams she had were getting more and more vivid as she spent more time with him.
The thought of her one the night before made her shiver.
She hadn't said anything to anyone, not even to Bridget when they met up for dinner while she was in Ayveri for two days the week previous. Of course, her sister teased her relentlessly, especially after seeing the way the two of them were with each other...and that Meron had taken over not only the spare room in her apartment but also had his things scattered all throughout.
After denying it for so long, Corliss couldn't stomach the thought of hinting at a mating bond, Meron figuring it out, and then rejecting her. She didn't want to hear her I told you so's or her accidentally slipping up in front of the male. They had become friends, even if they still fought tooth and nail any time the chance arose, and she wanted to keep it that way. She didn't want to lose one of the best people to come into her life if she was wrong and made herself look like an idiot...and she especially didn't want to if she was right and yet he didn't want her as desperately as she wanted him.
Meron's golden eyes narrowed slightly as he watched her, and she gave herself just a glimmer of hope that he was thinking the same as she was. "What are you thinking about so hard over there?"
Bleeding Ink
Fantasy(Book 1 in the Of Darkness and Light Trilogy, spinoff of the Crowns series) A princess struggling get a hold of her magic. A queen trying to keep hold of her crown and protect her kingdom. An assassin with a heart of gold. And a hundred and fifty...