Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

The incessant knocking on their apartment door was what finally roused Corliss from sleep. She was wrapped in Meron's arms, their legs tangled together, naked bodies barely covered with the sheets. She had been right when she knew she wouldn't have been able to get enough of him and he seemed to be the same. They only left the apartment for the necessities like food and checking on Odanth and Ollyn. Other than that, they barely even got dressed.

As soon as the knocking grew louder, it finally broke through her good dreams that had become reality just two days before.

Meron groaned beside her, throwing his arm across his eyes as the sunlight began filtering through the partially open curtains. "Whoever it is, tell them to go away."

Corliss sat straight up, her hair a messy tangle of burgundy curls around her head. Who could be banging on their door this early in the morning? She wasn't expecting...

"Corliss!" her sister yelled through the door. "Wake up, lazy, and come open the door! You locked it with magic or else I'd do it myself!"

"Shit!" she whispered, pushing off the bed and stumbling toward the chair beside her wardrobe. She hurriedly pulled on her silk robe, running her fingers through her tangles. "Meron, get up. Get up!"

He groaned again, still not moving. "I can't. You've finally worn me out. Just a few more hours of sleep and then we can..."

She threw his clothes at him, which hit him in the face as soon as he moved his arm. "It's Bridget and Alberich. Do you really want to explain to my sister why you're naked? She's going to kill you...and then have Alberich bring you back just so they can tell Gaven and he can kill you, too!"

Lazily cracking open one eyes, he grinned at her. "They've got to find out our mating bond at some point, don't they? I could give her an eyeful. Wouldn't be the first time for either of us."

Corliss leaned over to hit him, but Meron just caught her hand and yanked her forward to kiss her soundly.

Bridget's knocks made them pull apart.

"Seriously, get dressed," Corliss told him as she walked out of the room, readjusting her robe and running her fingers through her hair again since he messed it up.

"Corliss!" Bridget called through the door.

"I'm coming, calm down!" she yelled back, then used her magic to try and stifle Meron's scent combined with hers.

Gods, she knew it wouldn't work. Not when her sister knew her so well.

Here goes nothing, she thought to herself, and slowly unlocked the door.

Corliss smiled as she opened it just a crack, peeking out to see her sister and brother-in-law eyeing her suspiciously. "Well, there you two are. Weren't you supposed to be here...?"

Bridget crossed her arms over her chest as soon as she took in her disheveled appearance. "This morning," she finished for her. "Did you forget? Or did you not get my message I sent the day before yesterday?"

She leaned back and peeked over at the kitchen island counter at the bouquet of flowers Meron got her while picking up groceries...along with the mail she hadn't bothered to open since they had been preoccupied as soon as he walked through the door.

Biting the inside of her lip, she winced and looked back at Bridget. "Must have not opened it. Sorry."

"You have a male in your apartment, Corliss."

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