2.Karting adventures and...am I in trouble?

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Surrey, England
Grace's POV

I was trying to call Rose so I could let her know that I was arriving at the karting center but she didn't answer

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I was trying to call Rose so I could let her know that I was arriving at the karting center but she didn't answer. As I was attempting for the fifth time I received a call from my brother Ben. It was rare, to say the least, because the last time I spoke to him was yesterday before the announcement of the tour.

'Hello stupid' I answer.

'Hi, little demon' he snapped back. I laughed as I remembered the reason for my nickname.


7-year-old Grace

I was running around the house trying to find Ben. We were playing hide and seek and it was my turn to go and find him.

I was going to the kitchen when I heard footsteps coming from the corridor. I turned and made my way to the backyard as I assume he was there since the other option was his room, but I don't think he would hide in a place so obvious.

I saw our little treehouse. Bingo!. I started to slowly climb from the opposite side since I didn't want him to see me. When I was about to reach for the last branch I felt the one that I was standing on broke.

'Ben' I screamed hoping he would be in there and help me. I saw him popping his head out of the window and watching terrified the scene that was playing right in front of him.

'Gracey!? Don't panic. Everything is gonna be okay just stay there I would catch you'.

I watched as he got down from the treehouse and tried to stay calm hoping the branch that I was holding onto wouldn't break as well.

'Gracey you have to follow what I say.' I nodded trusting my older brother.'You would slowly let go so I can catch you. Don't worry I'm right under you'. My eyes winded after hearing his request.

'I only wanted to find you so I could decide what to watch tonight'. Tonight was movie night and Ben and I always choose what to watch but we bet that the one that gets found fastest would pick the movie.

'I would let you win, just let yourself go from the branch'

'Even if it's "Barbie and the three musketeers"?'
'Yeah, yeah whatever' .He accepted.

I let myself go and impact in my brother's arms but he tripped and we both fell. He screamed from pain and I looked at him with fear.

'I think you broke my arm'

End of flashback

I indeed broke his arm. We went to the hospital and our parents were mad at us because we were little demons. We got ice cream and ended up watching my movie.

'You know we talked yesterday, right?'

'Yeah and you didn't mention to me that you're going to perform at Silverstone' I sigh. Rose. I would talk to her later.

'In my defence, I was going to tell you but I knew that you would get super excited so I wanted to surprised you as well as mom and dad. But I guess Rose was quicker'

'So I guess you are going to get me a free pass'. He told me excited.

' I would try but that doesn't mean they would give me some extra passes'. I told him while walking out of the car and into the center.

'Ok but just know that I'll be calling you every day to get an update'

'Fine but I won't answer'. I giggled as I hanged up.
Immediately I received a message from him.

Ugly Ben🤪
Did you tell mom and dad?


No, but why are you asking?

Ugly Ben🤪
Because they are going to be pissed if they found out thru someone that's not you...

Fuck, u r wright

Ugly Ben 🤪
I always am and watch your language

Yeah yeah, If you say so

I close the chat with Ben and try and call again Rose. This time she answered right away.

'Hi I know I'm late but I'm pulling off and I can see a cute girl with a grumpy face across from me'. That was the first thing she told me and I turn around to see her waving at me inside her car.
'And I see a bad best friend that obligates me to do stuff I suck at'. I hang up and went and greeted her as she was exiting her car.

'Bob'.She said to me

'Patrick' I said back. We both laugh and make our way inside the karting center.

This is going to be an interesting afternoon.

Hi! Hope you like the chapter. Ben made his first appearance and he's going to be a protective but funny brother.

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