32. Just the two of us and strawberry lips.

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I wanna feel all that love and emotion
Be that attached to the person I'm holding

Rouen, France
Grace's POV

When you're on a vacation, you don't want them to end, obviously, but at some point, you have to go back to that life full of responsibilities

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When you're on a vacation, you don't want them to end, obviously, but at some point, you have to go back to that life full of responsibilities. In my case full of people's opinions and hunting stares. I was so accustomed to the little routine that we made with Rose that I didn't notice the days passing by. I usually woke up, fed Albus and went for a run before returning to the hotel to have a shower and meet with Rose for the rest of the day. Some days we had enough energy to go sightseeing and to the beach, while in others we just put on a movie on the TV and talked for hours about life and this new thing going on between her and the French boy. They were only two more days left. As promised I'll fly back to England to visit my family before starting with the second half of the tour and travelling to Germany and preparing for the fashion week.

'What about this one?'. I got taken back to reality when I heard Rose's voice. I looked up from my composing book, which let me tell you has been a close friend of mine these pasts days, towards my best friend who was holding in her hands a simple white dress and waiting for me to give her my approval.

'I'm sorry, I wasn't listening'. I said with guilty clear in my voice.

She looked at me badly before shaking her head and falling with her back on my neatly made bed. Or at least that's what it was. 'I'm not sure if I should go or-'. Rose started rumbling and I had to cut her off before she starts considering if it was a good idea to let out that she wanted to go on a date with Pierre after months of her break up.

'Rose Jane Vandeer, you're going to that date because that boy deserves a chance and I like him for you'. I said with a stern voice and almost sounding like my mum.

She looked at me and I could see the doubt in her eyes. I softened my gaze knowing that right now she needed comfort and motivation, not a second mum. 'You're saying that because he likes your music'.Well...She says trying to ease the situation and I give her supporting eyes while rolling my eyes.'But what if I ruined it or what if we run out of topics to discuss, or if he thinks I'm not interesting or that he only wants us to be friends with benefits because that will be fucking-'.

'Shut up Rose!'. She quickly closed her mouth before looking at me with a shocked expression on her face, after all, I'm always the introvert and I rarely pick up the tone. 'You're a wonderful woman, you're funny, a little crazy but that's what makes you unique. I have never met someone like you before and if Pierre doesn't see all the amazing things that I see in you then he's not the one. But that's not the end of the world, you're young. Have some fun and stop worrying if he's the one for you, just go with the flow'. I said and she got up from my bed and engulfed me in a hug.

'I'm so glad I sat that day in the cafeteria with the girl with ponytails and a SpongeBob lunch box'. She said and we both started laughing at the memory of the first time we met.

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