Chapter 1 - Mykie

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"NO!" I gasp as my eyes bolt open. Panting heavily, I checked my surroundings to see where I was. My breathing staggered as a single tear rolled down my cheek. "Just another nightmare" I whisper as I caught the tear before it falls. 7 years... 7. Long. Years. and I still relive that night as if it has just happened. my back aches with the phantom pain of my wings, the scars red and sore as if they have just been freshly ripped out there and then.

After a few deep breaths I settle myself and glance through heavy eyes at the alarm clock on the nightstand.


No point going back to sleep now I thought. Rolling out of bed I stumble over to the bathroom and reached for the switch to turn the shower on. Taking extra care not to look in the mirror just yet I step into the shower, the water droplets running over my skin washing away the sweat from my dream making it feel like it never happened. Water ran over my scars cooling the scar tissue and giving me a sense of relief. Once finished washing I decide I can't stay here all day and switch the shower off and made my way to the now steamy mirror just opposite.

With my right hand I wipe away the steam creating a small gap for me to see my reflection. A few seconds pass as I take in my appearance. my once glowing blue eyes now dull swallowed by the dark bags underneath them due to lack of sleeping. Freckles kissing the skin across my cheeks and nose reminding me how young I am. Faint scars run over my body taunting its pureness. I run my hand through my half brown half blond hair catching a few tugs on the way. I turn to check the scars on my back which now don't look so red and angry. The scars run for the top of my shoulder blades and cascade down in a v shape to the middle of my spine. Now since healed they look rough almost scale like and shiny, my constant reminder not to trust people. A lesson I learnt the hard way at 16 and one I wasn't soon going to forget.

I quickly brush my hair and put it in two pleats as there wasn't much happening today except training so minimal effort was needed. Walking back into my room I open my drawers and grab my running shorts and band t-shirt quickly shoving them on. walking over to the curtains I gently pushed them open letting the morning light creep into my room filling it with a sense of warmth.

To think 7 weeks ago I was living in a shoebox apartment in the roughest side of town and here I was now living with the avengers in stark tower all thanks to tony stark himself. He had heard about some of my abilities and wanted me to join the team. At first, I wasn't too keen on the idea, but the thought of decent food and a warm bed soon made me warm up to the idea of it.

I quickly made my bed glancing at the clock.

6:31 am

My stomach grumbled craving food as usual. I swiftly slipped on my trainers before reaching for my jumper just opposite. People here know about some of my abilities, but no one knows what I truly am or about my scars, so I take extra precautions to hide them whether it be binding my torso for training or layering with clothes.

I tiptoed down the hall to the stairs trying not to wake anyone up, I hardly spoke to anyone and the thought of sharing breakfast with them would just be awkward. I reached the kitchen undetected and swiftly made some toast with a cup of coffee.

I sat at the barstool sipping away at my coffee when I heard someone coming. I braced myself for the small talk that was going to follow.

Tony rounded the corner "you're up early kiddo" he spoke sleep still tainted his voice.

I shrugged as I bit my toast. "You know we will need to get your medical done soon so you can join us in the field kiddo" tony eyes were on me as he poured his coffee.

"Not ready yet "was all I mumbled with crumbs covering my lips from my toast. If I took the tests, they would find out about my secret, and I wasn't ready to tell them about it. Tony nodded and added toast to the toaster.

Shortly more of the guys woke up Bruce walked in shortly followed by Steve, Nat, Wanda and strange. I sat trying not to make eye contact with any of them. They all chatted amongst themselves. So much for my peaceful breakfast.

Once I had cleared my plate, I made a quick glance at tony, just enough to get his attention. "I'm going for a run" I mouthed in his direction.

"Ok be safe kiddo and don't be too long" he nodded.

"Why dose he insists on calling me kiddo for god's sake I'm 23" I sighed as I began to leave the room.

Once out the building I put my headphones on and shuffled my music. I knew I would eventually have to tell them about me, and I would need to start trusting them, but these things didn't come easy for me. easy for me is breaking someone's spine but throw in me having to trust them and I'm at a loss. I debated telling them all throughout my 5-mile jog.

I arrived back just shortly after 9 without breaking a sweat, the upside of superhuman speed, and went upstairs. Everyone was sitting in the living room so I swiftly walked faster past them hoping no one would stop me. "MYKIE!" Thor shouted. I swiftly turned on my heels to look at him with a smile. "Mykie this is my younger brother Loki" he gestured to the tall raven-haired man next to him. My insides flipped. His blue eyes glistening watching me as smile curled up on his lips. My cheeks began to burn with blush. "h..h..hi" I blurted out. "its nice to meet you, unusual name Mykie but very beautiful" "t..t..thanks" I chocked before turning on the spot and running to my room not daring to look back.

I shut the door as quickly as I could heart pounding, hands sweaty. "" I mumbled to myself. I started to pace bath and forth. "Hopefully, he's just here for a quick visit" I thought to myself while chewing my lower lip. Fear struck over my body. last time I had this kind of reaction to someone it cost me. I lost my wings, my belief that love was real and my ability to trust people. Before I could think clearly there was a knock on my door. "Mykie tony wants you in the training room in 10" Nat said through the door.

"I'll be there" I squeaked back. I have to think about this later I thought. I swiftly made my way over to the drawer and reach in grabbing the bandages that I used to hide my scars. Better get started so I'm not late.

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