chapter 3-bloody sandwich

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    Mykies P.O.V 

"shit" I mumbled running down the hall heart racing. Trust me to be late to training when it's a session with everyone. I stood outside the door hearing tony ramble on as he usually does, still I wasn't quite sure why he wanted everyone to attended tanning usually I train alone. I took a deep breath rubbing my now sweaty hands on my shorts. "I've got this". I slowly pushed the door open just enough to allow me to slip through and hopefully go undetected. Squeezing through the small gap I kept my eyes to the floor trying not to meet anyone's gaze or draw attention to me. I reached the wall at the far side of the room and leaned against it. "you're late" tony snapped. I glared up at him and shrugged my shoulders. I hadn't missed anything Important, so I didn't see the need in calling me out. Tony then continued explain what we were going to do. My thoughts of Loki only staying for a short period of time soon shattered when tony said he would be training with us, great he's going to be a part of the team that's the last thing I need to worry about just now. I zoned back into Tony's speech hearing that we were going to be going against each other. "While we're at it Mykie your in to, time to see what 7 weeks of training has got you" my eyes snapped open at Tony's words. My heart started pounding in my chest. I've never really been with the avengers while training as I train alone so this would be the first time them seeing what I can do. I swallowed my concerns "got it "I shot back at him a little to confident.

Thor and Loki where the first to dual. Honestly wouldn't have taken them for brothers but the brotherly love was definitely there. the dual hasn't even started and Loki is already winding Thor up teasing him about how he's going to win. During the fight to my shock Loki done better than what I imagined and that was with Thor not holding back. The final blow sent Loki smashing into the floor. My heart almost leaped out of my chest, resisting the urge to run over and make sure Loki was okay. I stayed where I was now sitting on the counter frozen not daring to move. "You know you have a lovely ceiling" Loki joked as he stumbled to his feet. To my shock he looked perfectly fine expect a few scrapes on his skin with the slightest hint of blood seeping out of them. Thor and Loki shared a moment while my eyes turn to starks whose eyes were now set on me. "Mykie, Steve you guys are next, no pressure kiddo" he nodded at me.

With a single breath I leaped of the counter and made my way to the ring. I felt Loki's eyes feasting over every inch of my body as I walked over. I stood my ground as Steve Towered over me "you ready kid? A smirk slowly appeared on his face as he got into position. "ready" I shot back at him now with the hunger to win this duel and show what Iv got.

Steve's eyes locked with mine as a fire brew in my stomach. I took a sharp deep breath in going over all the training that I've been doing over the last few weeks remembering what I've learned. Sweat started gathering on my brow. "I've got this" I sighed. Steve made the first move lunging forward towards me for a direct hit. "missed" I chuckled to his thoughts as I jolted out the way of his charge. His face puzzled that I just spoke to him without moving my lips and swiftly dodged his attack with no effort. Now was my chance. Using my illusion magic, I made Steve believe there was now 4 of me instead of one. Hi eyes darting between each one trying to figure out what ones were copies as we circled him. "what's wrong Steve you are seeing double?" I taunted.

His face become tangled in thoughts allowing me a glance at the others. I glanced over to where everyone was sitting, all their eyes were on me somewhat impressed but also confused. I locked eyes with Loki for a split second couldn't escape his gaze. Before I knew what was happening Steve caught my arm tossing with some force me across the room. My body smashing into the stone pillar in the corner of the ring causing a searing pain to rush through my body and loud cacks to be heard in the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2021 ⏰

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