chapter 2- beautiful creature

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Lokis P.O.V

"How long will you be here Loki?" tony asked gripping yet another cup of coffee.

"As long as he likes he is my brother remember" Thor said with a nervous laugh while wrapping his arm around my shoulder and giving me a wink.

"As long as I'm not imposing and its okay with you guys, I would like to stay a while and try this avengers' thing out since giving up trying to conquer Asgard thanks to Thor showing me the error of my ways. Life's been pretty boring so I'm ready for some excitement and besides haven't seen my brother in what feel like eons" I replied with a smirk.

The room burst with opinions. Wanda and Nat both agreeing to me whereas Steve was a little less thrilled "you can't JUST join us Loki you have to earn it after the hassle you have given us over the years" he coughed.

"Well, I am the god of mischief can't expect me to be a saint all the time" I let out with a laugh.

Stark stood with his eyes on me; his brain must be working double time as I swear you can see each cog turning with every new thought that pops in his head and steam drafting form his ears.

"Maybe it will be a good thing" he piped up. Everyone swiftly turned to see him. "Maybe just maybe with Loki here and being considered the new guy it might allow Mykie to ease up a little and allow her to trust us a little more and maybe then we might actually get a decent conversation out of her for once" everyone nod in agreement.

"Do you think that would work?" Bruce piped up a little hesitant.

"We can only try she has been here what? 7 weeks now and she hasn't allowed us to run any tests and she won't open up to us she spends most her time training alone or in her room".

During this whole conversation I was left looking at Thor "who the hell is this Mykie they talk of? Are they a Midgardian?" I whisper just loud enough for Thor to hear.

Just them a small slim creature darted passed us in a haze of blond and brown.

"MYKIE!" Thor bellowed. Quickly she turned to face us. Her face in total shock with a faint smile tittering on her lips. "Mykie this is my younger brother Loki" his hand gesturing towards me. she froze locking onto me. her eyes dull as if hiding a deep truth that was being swallowed by black holes to hide pain and fear. The shine on her nose ring twinkled making me take in her freckles that graced her face with such breath-taking presence. Her cheeks slowly gaining a shade of pink spreading over them. "h..h..hi" she squeaked in soft yet abrupt tone. Her eyes still lurking over my body. "it's nice to meet you, unusual name Mykie but very beautiful" I said with a bow. Oh, how I wished I could say she was the most beautiful creature I had lay my eyes on but for now that will have to wait. "t..t..thanks "she blurted out before swiftly turning and scurrying down the hall at an impressive speed.

"don't worry about her, she's extremely shy" Thor said nudging my shoulder. "Think that's the most I've heard her speak" strange commented. My mind played over her face and how delicate she looked. "Loki!" Thor's voice interrupted my train of thought snapping me out of it. "yes my brother".

Everyone looked at me with eyebrows raised. "I was asking do you want to join us with training today no point putting it off" he grunted. Before I had a chance to answer the witch piped in "someone has a crush I think what was it... ahh yes. beautiful creature "she mocked. I shot a glare in her direction. "Last time I check I didn't give you permission to invade my mind Wanda" Thor started to laugh "a crush!! He bellowed "only crush Loki has ever had was his reflection in the mirror" the room filled with everyone's laughs. "Right get your arses in the training room in 10, Wanda remember the rule that you can't read people's minds without permission" tony interrupted "didn't need permission it was all over his face" Nat coughed up. "Nat go let Mykie know she will be joining us" tony swiftly changing the subject. Nat swiftly left down the hall heading towards mykies room.

"What sort of training is it were going to do?" I questioned Thor as everyone seemed to disburse "well because you're joining us, we will need to see where your strengths lay and where you need to improve brother" "I have no weakness" I snorted to Thor. He let out a sigh "you may have a weakness that's 5'3 and has a beautiful name" he chuckled. Scowling at him I started to walk away. I started to head down the hallway. "Wrong way brother training is over on your left... but if you're looking for Mykie then keep going" he gloated. I swiftly turned left and headed to the training room.

Shortly everyone was in the room. I scanned over everyone looking for Mykie, but she was no where to be seen. Just then the door opened slightly and out she walked. She made sure not to meet anyone's gaze "your late" tony snapped as she leaned against the wall. Shrugging her shoulder, she glared at tony though a deepened scowl. The Mykie that I'm seeing now is a contrast to the one I met merely 10 mins ago, this one has an edge a hint of feistiness and I like it. Tony baffled on about how were going to 1v1 each other paying close attention to myself to see what I have to offer. "While we're at it Mykie your in to, time to see what 7 weeks of training has got you" her eyes shot open as if she were a deer caught in the head lights of Tony's request. Her breathing starting to become rushed. Taking a gulp, she responded "got it".

"Loki, Thor" your up first" tony barked. Thor and I took to the floor. "Just like old times little brother" Thor teased. "Only this time I shall win big brother" I retaliated with.

The fight was over with in minutes and ended with me regretting my decision to vex Thor. "you have a lovely ceiling " I joked as I laugh flat on my back after having the wind knocked out of me. slowly I staggered to my feet. "You had done well brother you lasted longer than I thought" I smiled at Thor for the complement. "You need work, but we can help" tony added. I slowly made my way to where the rest of them were sitting eager to see who would be up next. "Mykie, Steve you guys are next, no pressure kiddo" tony nodded in the direction of Mykie. My eyes lusted at how elegantly she jumped from the counter and made her way to the floor. Her small delicate frame looks as if it would break with merely a gust of wind. Her Hight so small compared to Steve who towered over her. "You ready kid?" Steve asked as he got in position. Her eyes gleamed as a smirk appeared on her lips "Ready ".

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