Werewolves and the Danger They Pose to a Peaceful Pureblood Society

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Explosions still burst against the shield. Why the Muggles hadn't intervened yet, they didn't know.
In all the noise, not a single Deatheater noticed the soft crack of apparation. Besides, they'd cast spells so that no one could get past them by apparating out of the property. Why would anyone care to apparated within it?
For a moment, a shabby looking wizard in obvious pain stood behind them as his features twisted and elongated.
Then the moon slid out from behind a cloud, and suddenly, there was a werewolf on the front lawn, and he smelled blood.
Fresh, hot, human, blood.
He lunged forward.

The Deatheater screamed. Sirius and Tonks burst out onto the yard. Five Deatheaters still needed to be taken care of. At the moment, they were all distracted.
One of them raised his wand at Remus. "Avada  - "
Sirius finished that phrase for him. Tonks threw a stunning spell at his companion. 
It missed. Nott turned, snarling.
That was a mistake on his part. The werewolf had grown bored with his now dead prey. He ripped into Nott from behind. 
Sirius doubled over in pain. He managed to straighten only when Tonks took out the assailant.
"Inside! Now!" she yelled.
He didn't bother to reply. "Sectumsempra!" Snivellus would get a laugh out of that, he thought viciosuly. Taking down his friends with his old spell.
The remaining Deatheater realized he was very alone. He started backing away. He kept his wand leveled at the approaching werewolf. "S-stupefy!"
Two other voices echoed his cry. To the Deatheater's immense surprise, the cries weren't aimed at him. The werewolf collapsed to the ground.
Sirius picked his way carefully forward, wand extended. He used his free hand to help Tonks off the step like a true gentleman. And like somone familiar with her clumsiness.
"Thank you," he said cordially. "Do you know, it normally takes four people to stun a werewolf. I'm impressed. Well done, Tonks."
Tonks smiled. The Deatheater suddenly thought that she had far too many teeth. "I like to stay in practice. You were a little rusty tonight, cousin."
A petrification charm hit the Deatheater as he tried to run. Sirius smiled coldly. "I'm sure a little target practice will fix that right up. Why don't you get Remus inside, cuz? It's a little cold out here." He glanced back at the upper windows of the house. "And get those kids in bed. I'm going to have to ask Mr. Deatheater here a few questions."

Author's Note: I hate writing fight scenes. I really, truly, do. Unfortunately, I can't always avoid them. I hope this one was at least borderline acceptable. Feel free to add constructive criticism to a review. Hopefully the next chapter, featuring an old "enemy" and certain St. Mungo's patients will be better.

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