Breaking News! Theater Fire!

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Pureblood Theater, One Week After Radio Incident
Fred readied the fuses and waited for the signal.

George ran out on the stage, much to the audience's shock. They couldn't all be purebloods, surely. There weren't enough left. Oh, well.
"Troll! In the back room!"
They stared at him. He grinned. He'd wanted to do this for years. "Thought you ought to know."
He collapsed theatrically onto the stage. He lay there for a moment before propping himself up on his elbows. "Also, incidentally, the building's on fire."
The alarms blared just as he finished the line. The crowd panicked.

"Fiendfyre!" Hermione hissed.
It was a dark spell. She was past caring.

Harry waited for the crowd to erupt in confusion before whipping off the cloak and yelling "Stupefy!"
The red line missed Bellatrix by inches. She whirled. Her face, rapturous moments before, was furious.
"Crucio!" she screamed.
He ducked, already yelling "Expelliarmus!"
Her wand flew out of her hand and into his. He breathed a sigh of relief.
She shrieked and flung herself at him with a dagger that appeared from nowhere.
"Avada Kerdava!"
And just like that, she was dead.
Ginny stood behind her, looking pale. "She deserved it," she said fiercely, but her eyes were overly bright.
Ron appeared. "Got Dolohov," he panted. "Let's go."
They apparated out and met up with the others two streets away. The Fiendfyre still raged. They watched the theater burn quietly as they waited for Fred.
He appeared moments later. As he did, "Harry Potter Lives!" appeared in fireworks over the smoke.
"Brilliant," Harry said savagely. "Well done."
"Indeed," a cold voice said. "You've succeeded in annoying me, Potter. But no longer. Avada Kerdava!"

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