Chapter 1- Eyes

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"Buckle your seat belts and brace yourselves we are experiencing some problems with the technology." The scratchy noise of the intercom makes my ears ring. I've heard the same message so many times throughout these past months it brings no fear with it. I fasten the belt of my uncomfortable seat and try to relax. It doesn't really work though, even now the visions are just as strong, and once again, just come flooding back.

Everyone lost in their selfless minds desperate to get on the rockets. I felt so lost in my shoes stuck on feet that wouldn't seem to work. Ears that didn't hear. A throat that couldn't swallow. Chaos. We were literally in lines that determined our lives. "Get a move on!" The guy behind me, furious with rage, pushed me to the ground I came to my senses and realized the six-foot gap I was causing. I tried to say sorry, but it didn't come out. I picked myself up off the floor and got in my spot. The line was long. And I mean really long. Thousands of heads before me. I honestly don't even know what I was in line for. I was in line because everyone else was in line.

After about an hour and had making barely any progress. I started to look around. I looked at the guy in the line next to mine. He wore an odd piece of clothing that seemed to stand out. An orange-peach zippered jacket with a badge that wrote "Son of Roses" with a detailed design of a sun and two roses. He looked so brave. His form was put together and his expressions were controlled. But his eyes, they were terrified. Ice blue, captivating, scared eyes. I realized we were staring at each other and I suddenly become self-conscious. I pull away my gaze. Only to notice so many terrified eyes. Brown, green, blue. The ground starts to shake. Hundreds; no thousands of birds swarming the sky. Suddenly my feet work, and my legs start to run. And the world starts doing the same. Chaotic fear. Everything is crowded. Everyone is pushing their way to the front. Fighting, arguing, spitting, and threatening. The fastest get to the front first. Everything is backed up. I don't know which way to look. Children that are shorter than me. Men that are taller than me. Everyone is lost. Including me. I try jumping up to see over the people hovering above me but I can't see anything. People start fighting each other to get to the front first. I don't want to start anything so I step back. Lines start to form. Men and women with guns shout at people asking for information. I can't see much with all the people in front of me but from what I can see and hear they don't look happy.


"Alana Zanieth"

A soft young voice of a girl probably no more than 7." Even so the man's tone doesn't change a bit.



Five and they're acting as if she's an adult? Her voice starts to crack, and I assume she's crying. The crowd changes and I get a better view of what's going on.

"Health issues?"

The girl looks up at a tall lean woman I assume is her mother. She shakes her head no.

"Okay get a move on!" The little girl walks up the stairs but slowly as if to wait for her mom. "Name?"

The woman starts to cry, and the guard looks at her with a serious threatening look. "Health issues?" he sighs as if already knowing the answer. She looks up at the little girl raises her head and says a firm "No." The guard waves a yellow light over her face. It looks kind of like a glow stick of some sort except with a metal bar hanging around it. It beeps twice. Before anyone has any time to react, he knocks the woman down on her knees and puts a bullet through her head.

"Mommy!" the little girl shrieks with tears beginning to run down her cheeks.

People start screaming and I no longer have a view of what is going on. I'm shocked. I never knew my people could be so merciless. I'm swallowed in my thoughts when I realize my feet have been working for me. The line is shorter, and my turn is soon. I start panicking but it's hard to stay calm when the smallest virus you didn't even know you had could be the reason for your death in about 20 seconds. I assume the guard has gotten impatient when he's pretty straightforward with the fact there is a gun to my head.

"Name?" he says.

"Teegan Rine" I reply.



"Health issues?"


He waves the yellow light over me. It beeps once and I let out a sigh of relief.

He takes his hand off the trigger "Go on" and allows me to get on board. As I'm walking up the steps, I notice the guy with the orange-peach jacket. He's stopped by a woman.

"Name?" the woman with the gun asks.

"Aziel Ray"



"Health issues?"

He looks at her for one moment and then pushes her to the ground and starts running. The woman grabs his foot and signals two men in white futuristic suits. They grab Aziel and set him on his feet. The woman pushes him to the ground and pulls the delicate trigger. Scarlett blood carefully spills from his skull and stains the pavement, along with his unique zippered jacket. His terrified Atlantic eyes gloss over.

Now it's my turn to be the little girl. I'm surrounded by desperate screams and scared footsteps, but I don't hear it. The sound of the gunshot replays in my head. I wonder how it feels to learn someone's name and then kill them. Aziel. I run up the stairs with blurry eyes.  I don't know why it hurt so bad; it's not like I knew him or anything. I swallow the tears and forget it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2021 ⏰

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