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A YOUNG GIRL STOOD in front of the mirror with her hands tangled in her hair. She looked much older than she actually was, a result of being treated as a weapon.

She stared at her hair with a crazed look in her eye as she swooped her front hair into her hands.

"Alright hair, it's time to face your doom." She slashed through her hair roughly, creating uneven bangs. The black haired girl grinned crazily as she continued to stare at herself, but the grin slowly faded when she noticed a taller figure standing behind her.

"What a shame, you always had such beautiful hair. What would Uzume say? She loved braiding it." A motherly voice spoke from behind Azula. Azula continued staring into the mirror.

"What are you doing here?" Azula spoke with distaste.

"I didn't want to miss my own daughter's coronation." Ursa stood unmoving, eyes seemingly cold. Azula scoffed, "Don't pretend to act proud. I know what you really think of me. You think I'm a monster." Azula's grip on her scissors tightened as her face scrunched.

"I think you're confused. All your life you used fear to control people. Like your friends Mai and Ty Lee. Even Uzume," Ursa paused before letting out a tut, "Such a shame, Azula, she loves you."

"But what choice do I have?! Trust is for fools. Fear is the only reliable way. Even you fear me," Azula paused, "Even Uzume fears me."

"No. I love you, Azula. I do."

Azula shuttered as her mom's voice began to morph into a familiar 14 year old girl. Tears ran down her face as she tightened her grip on a brush. She swiftly turned around and shattered the mirror as she fell to her knees and sobbed. In her peripheral vision she saw a short figure approaching her through the reflection of the shattered mirror. The figure wavered through Azula's tears.

A small hand placed itself on Azula's shoulder, making her let out a heartbreaking scream as she pushed the hand off a scrambled into a ball. In front of Azula seemed to be Uzume, who stared down at her sympathetically. Eyes over run by tears, Azula blinked, but when she opened her eyes Uzume wasn't there trying to hold her hand anymore.


Uzume stared down at the empty town as she sat atop Appa. Katara was clenching her hand as Zuko steered them to the palace, everyone mentally cursing their nerves. Katara squeezed her hand tighter, causing her to look up and into her blue eyes. Katara and Uzume stared into each other's eyes a bit before Katara leaned into her and put her forehead against hers. Uzume felt her lip quiver as she thought about the approaching events. Katara felt her friend shake and fully embraced her as they began to land

They pulled away from each other as they heard Zuko address Azula.

"Sorry, but you're not going to become Fire Lord today," Zuko jumped off of Appa and stood proudly, "I am."

Azula cackled as she sized up Zuko, "You're hilarious."

Katara helped Uzume step down from Appa before she turned to Azula, "And you're going down." Azula and Uzume made eye contact, both girls feeling overly emotional about the other. The fire sage began to crown Azula when she stopped him, finally breaking eye contact from the short asian girl.

"Wait. You want to be Fire Lord Fine. Let's settle this. Just you and me, brother. The showdown that was always meant to be. Agni Kai!"

"You're on." Azula's lips began to curl into a morbid smile.

"What are you doing? She's playing you. She knows she can't take us all so she is trying to separate us." Katara whispered to the idiotic boy Uzume loved so much.

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