Eight - Happy Birthday John

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A bit of a long one today. I do hope you enjoy it.

No One's POV

Yuzu came into the room where she could see that Shiraho was readying for another trip in time. The previous night she had said she was going to take yet another test trip.

"So where now?"

Shiraho looked up from the computer she had been working on. "I need to run more tests and sent you further back. We're sending you to a festive occasion. Something a bit fun."

"What's that?"

"Wednesday, May 12th, 1937. It's the date that King George the sixth was crowned. They will be having a big ceremony at Westminster Abbey. There will also be a huge procession with the new king and all that. It will be a very festive occasion and lots of people on the street. You can blend into the crowd easily. I have some period-appropriate clothing for you in that bag on the chair right there."

While Yuzu would rather go straight back to Mei, further tests had to be run and she needed to finish preparing so she could act the part of someone from 1869. But this seemed like a fun little trip. She grabbed the bag and headed into the bathroom to change.

The outfit consisted of a rather plain-looking checkered blue dress and skirt. Along with that were a simple pair of shoes and silk stockings. Lastly, there was a simple hat and a long grey woolen coat, and a black purse. Everything of course was in the style of the mid 1930s.

Soon Yuzu was dressed and upon looking at herself in the mirror thought she looked rather silly. A few minutes later she was ready to go.

"Ok Yuzu. In the purse, you will find directions to the parade route. It shouldn't be too cold a day so why don't you just walk and see the sights. Practice blending in. I've also put a few pound notes from that period in your purse if you get hungry. Feel free to stay a bit, have some supper, and see a show. It's 1937, enjoy it. "

She handed her the watch she would use to recall the wormhole. "One addition. The red button is an emergency escape. Push it 3 times and in theory, the wormhole will travel to your location. But I must stress that it is only to be used in a dire emergency. The machine isn't designed to move the wormhole very far from this spot. It will probably overload the machine and could result in its destruction. There is a chance it may not work at all. So use in only a dire emergency. Are you ready?"

Yuzu took her favorite pair of scissors and phone and dropped them into her 1930's purse. "Yes."

"Now in 1937, this building is a factory that makes buttons. But since its coronation day, it will be closed. Now lastly."

Shiraho handed her an old iron key. "I picked this building as it has an original door with an old lock. This door has never been replaced and uses the same key as the day it was built. You will always be able to get in and out of the building with the key. It leads into the alley behind the building."

Key in the purse, Yuzu climbed into the basket and waited for the wormhole to open. A few moments later she could hear the hum of the machine get louder and a glimmering appeared below the basket. As before, she was lowered down and found herself in the same room. Only it was 1937.

Like in the 1970s the room was being used as a storeroom. Only this time the boxes held buttons of various shapes and sizes. Yuzu stepped out of the basket and it quickly retracted from where it came. A second later the glimmering hole in the ceiling vanished. Yuzu knew it was still there but in microscopic size.

Yuzu smirked. "Well 1937, here we come."

Yuzu exited the building and made her way around the front.

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