Fifteen - Breaking Character

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Yuzu's POV

I'd love to tell you that we fell immediately in love and lived happily ever after. But in the 3 weeks that I've been in the scenic 1869, I've pretty much got nowhere. All I've managed to accomplish is get a blister on my right foot and proved to myself I can play the part of a dutiful servant girl continuingly and only go slightly crazy. I'm not going to go into, all the 21st-century luxuries that I have to deal without. I've cleaned every square of that house and the inn no less than 5 times in my estimation. My iPod, Kindle, and iPhone have kept me from going completely nuts. After a long day, I collapse in bed, listen to some music, watch a movie or attempt to beat the latest level of angry birds.

Note to self: Strangle Manami when I get back, for getting me addicted to this utterly stupid game.

Actually, it was Kana's taunting me that I couldn't beat that stupid game that got me so worked up that I took her challenge just to spite her. She suckered me up well. I'll deal with her too.

As I said, only slightly crazy.

As far as Mei goes, we can best be described as friendly acquaintances. I see her every day and my heart jumps every time I do. I'll admit that I steal glances of her whenever I can. She's so beautiful, I can barely restrain myself sometimes. But she's a member of the upper class and I'm just a servant. Not that she treats me poorly. In fact, she's very nice and we manage to talk. But there is this line that she won't cross. I can't even get into the dreaded "friend-zone"

About a week after my arrival, I read in the diary that she had gone riding one afternoon. It was my day off and I thought that if I happen by the barn, I could ask to go riding with her. I know that the diaries haven't changed, with my arrival, but I hoped that was still true. I know what you're thinking, it is a bit stalkerish and you are right of course. But I'm doing this for a good cause. On the path she is on, she will die a painful and lonely death in a little over a year's time.

I can't let that happen.

I have seen Amamiya on a few occasions, but I've played the part of a servant and held my tongue.

I found her on her horse as she was walking out of the barn.

"Hello Yuzu, what brings you out here?" She asked with her normal friendly smile.

"I was walking around, I've been working so much, I haven't had much time to enjoy the local scenery. I see you're going out for a ride, can I join you?"

For a split second, there was a hopeful look on her second, but then she quickly looked towards the house and a nervous indecisive look came to her face. She then made a rather sad and embarrassed smile.

"I think it's best that I ride alone. No offense."

I couldn't help but frown. "None taken. See you around."

I quickly turned to leave as I couldn't hold the look of extreme hurt off my face much longer. Yeah, I know it's just riding, but being rejected stung rather badly. I've come all this way and my heart burns for her. I know she dies lonely and in pain. Walking home, I burst into tears. Perhaps I'm expecting too much too fast, I just don't know.

I went home, had a good cry, and spend the rest of my day off in bed listening to music. Very sad music I may add.

The next day I put on my game face and did my work as if nothing was wrong. Since then, I don't feel like I've made any serious inroads. The wedding is less than 2 months away and I'm starting to get a bit frustrated. I'll add that I am a bit homesick, I'd kill for a coffee from Jetbrew, cruddy food from Nozu, or even a fucking shower.

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