Slippery Cedar Boardwalk - Chapter 1

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It was a drizzly Sunday afternoon, a great time to go for a walk at the Cathedral Grove; the walks there are always pleasant when it's raining. I was walking down the slippery cedar boardwalk all of a sudden the gentle sprinkling quickly became intense.

If I walk a little bit further there would be a shelter, I could wait out the storm. Walking down the boardwalk the storm kept intensifying, the boardwalk got so slippery that I almost fell twice. Walking towards where I thought the shelter was, the wood became so slippery that it became hard to walk.

 I kept trying to get to the shelter, which is in the center of the forest. As I was trying to walk cautiously I suddenly slipped, fell, and hit my head on a root of a tree in front of me. Everything went dark.

When I awoke I found myself in what seemed to be a hospital. As I try to get my body in a sitting position I hear something coming towards the room I'm in. Now fully upright I turn to the door, the handle twists open and a very short person walks through the door. 

As they come closer I start to feel a bit nervous. 

"Glad to see you awake," they say. 

"Where am I," I mumble out, 

"You're in the town Iyeserine," they say proudly. 

"My name is Maria Andrews! What's yours?" Maria says loudly 

"Um, my name is Ari Amory" I mumble again. 

"Ooh, that's a cool name!" Maria says 

"Thank you," I say.

 "Um, so how did I get here?" I ask 

"Oh um, my friend Harper found you in the forest unconscious," Maria says in a more serious tone 

"Oh wow, how did that happen?" I inquire. 'What's this place called again?' I think 'oh yeah Iyeserine'  "Um, can you please tell me where Iyeserine is?" I ask, 

"The Snow Elves Kingdom, of course, I'm not a snow elf I'm a Halfling! but I'm sure you already knew that considering my height'' Maria says.

''elves?Halflings? What the hell is going on" I say 

"are you not an elf?" Maria asks in a surprising tone. 

"No! I'm a human!" I replied 

"A human?" she says a bit confused 

"Why are you acting so surprised?" I ask 

"Humans haven't been in Molin in almost 1000 years," she tells me 

‘1000 years!?' I thought "Am I still on earth?" I ask

 "What do you mean by ‘am I still on earth' of course you are you're just in the magical part of the world," she says. "Oh um do you mind if I ask you how you got here?" she questions once again 

"Um if I can recall I went to go on a walk in the rain and I slipped and hit my head, and the next thing I remember is waking up here" I explain 

“Ahhh I see”

"So um how will I get home now" my tone a bit more serious 

"Oh um our Queen will probably organize a team to escort you home" she explains to me

'So I will be able to go home!' a smile slowly creeps up on my face and Maria seems to notice this 

"Well you seem excited about going home" she says in a playful tone. 

"Oh yeah, our Queen would also like to talk to you for a bit," she says again in that same serious tone

 "When does she want to see me?” I question

 "anytime, but sooner than later would probably be more efficient" she says 

"Oh um ok when would be the soonest to see her" I questioned once again

 "In about 2 days probably" she answers 

"Will I still be in the hospital for those two days?" I asked 

"not if you don't want to be, you stay in my spare room for the time being if you want," she says

 "thank you," I say 

"Ahhh no problem," she says. 

A couple more minutes pass in total silence before I decide to speak up, breaking the silence "so when is the earliest I can leave the hospital?" I question 

"well I'm pretty sure you could get discharged now you'll just have to sign a bit of paper before you leave" she answers

 "Where can I get the papers," I ask excited to get out of the hospital 

"I can get them for you at the main desk, It'll only take a few minutes" she responds 

"thanks," I say in a cheerful tone. 

As Maria exits the room to get the papers I start to think back to what she said a few minutes ago 

'No humans have been here in 980?’ I think once again

After about five minutes I see Maria come back with the papers.

 "Here," she says.

 I take the papers out of her hand and thank her. After I finish the papers she takes and gestures for me to follow her. We quickly reach the desk and hand them the papers.

Maria then gestures for me to follow her once again out of the hospital. As I follow her through the small town of IyeserineI kept getting weird stairs maybe it was because I he didn't look like an elf?

we soon reach to be what I think Maria's house is. Now inside Maria's house, she escorted me to the guest bedroom.

We talked for a few more minutes before she left me to get settled in the room. She said that we would go clothing shopping tomorrow in case I got stuck here for longer than expected. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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