Ember Land - The Unknown World

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Third-person POV 

This is Ember Land, The place which is meant for queens and kings and normal people as they live in harmony together. This is not the same place as places on the earth. It's not on earth. It's a mysterious planet that people have never founded yet.

So, Welcome to Ember Land where people live their normal life and serve the kings and queens. The main fact that here on this planet peoples don't believe in love. They have to get married to the people their family wanted and they can't see the bride or broom before the marriage its a rule. It's all set by the king.

So, as we are talking of the king let's see his back story. He is the only son of his father who died. He has one daughter named Amara and a beautiful wife Isabella.

Amara and Amor lived in different worlds. As Amara lived in ember land and Amor lived on the earth.

The back story of Amor:

Amor is an only child and he is an orphan. He is now grown up so he works in a company. He doesn't have any friends. He was a silent kid from childhood. As he is soo handsome girls keep talking to him. But he has no plans to date anyone. As he is so busy from his work.

Amor POV: 

As I was doing my work in the office and it's 12 pm already and I have so much work to do. I kept doing my work.

It's 2 pm and my work is done so I pack up all work and was leaving the office. Suddenly it started raining and I have no umbrella with me and I don't see any shop nearby so I guess I have to go without the umbrella.

As I was in my apartment and  I was wet already. I quickly changed all my clothes and took a shower. 

"I am really tired", I mumbled as I lay down in the bed.

I woke up as I heard some people shouting and mumbling. I was half asleep so I slightly opened my eyes and I saw a man coming over me. I shouted "Stay away from me", I shouted as I saw many people staring at me. I look carefully that I am not in my apartment. I am in an unknown place with many people staring at me and I am lying on the ground.

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