The Unknown Man

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Amara POV:

It's literally the worst day of my life today. I was just standing on the balcony and a boy just proposed to me in front of so many people. How can he just propose to me like that? As I was thinking about that one of the workers came up to my room.

"Mam, we have an urgent meeting in your father's place", she said hurriedly.

"What and why they are calling me," I said in an aggressive way.

"I don't know about that but they are just calling you", she said, and then she left the room.

"Oh my god can this day be more worst", I mumbled.

As I reached my dad's place I saw my mom and some people who work under my dad there. They started the meeting.

"Sir, what should we do about that", one of the people there said.

"What is he talking about dad", I asked.

"Oh, I forget to tell you about that, In our kingdom, an unknown person who is also dressed weirdly was lying on street and people are afraid to talk to him.

"So where is he now", I asked.

"He is there unconscious lying on the streets after he opened his eyes", he said.

While he was telling me that one of the workers came to the place and said, "Your Majesty, the unknown person of our kingdom is now fine but he is saying "Where is my apartment", we have never heard that kinds of words so we are maintaining  distance from him."

"What?, I have to go there",  my father said and then he left for the kingdom.

Amor POV:

When I woke up again I saw that I am in an unknown place filled with many people staring at me. I tried to talk to them but they don't answer me. They just stare at me when I ask that "Where is my apartment and what is this place". Random thoughts were bumping in my mind like "Where I am", "Where is my apartment", "How did I end up here". I wasn't even drunk last night and these people are also wearing some weird dress. As I was thinking about it. A man dressed up as a king from movies in a white shining horse came across here.

"So, you are the one people are talking about", the man said.

"What, who are you?, and where am I", I questioned.

He took a look at me and said "I will answer your all question but before that, you have to answer my questions so come with me."

I accepted as I have no other options. His guards took me to an unknown place like a prison. Then they allowed me to sit in the chair and a man asked "Who are you and from where are you came from"

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