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We was all sitting at my house chillin
"Nuni tell us about yourself we known you for like a month and don't know nothing bout you" Brianna said
"What y'all wanna know" she said putting her phone down giving us her full attention
"What you like, what's your favorite things" Brianna said
"Well I like cars, shoes, money, weed and guns" she said smilling
Pretty ass smile
"You really a nigga" B said laughing
"The realest nigga ever" she said Smilling showing her muscles making me chuckle
"But you don't even ride for your sister" Bailey said scoffing
"Shut up like you always got something to say stop talking to me" Nuni said rolling her eyes
These past like month and a half I learned Nuni is real cool. She vibes with the group nicely. Except for bailey and makayla they was always starting with that girl for what idk. I wouldn't considered her a bro cause I still wanna fuck the shit out of her but she real cool
"Satan" Nuni yelled
"What" I said mugging her
"Don't mug me lil nigga I been calling your name your ass been ignoring me" she said mugging me back
She tryna bitch you unt unt handle her
"Ain't shit bout me lil" I mumbled
"Say it with your chest" she said and all they lil instigating asses started "oouing"
"Watch how you talk to me tf you calling my name for anyways" I said
"We need to talk" she said walking upstairs
Fuck she doing upstairs she done lost her mind
What she wanna talk about
She prolly bout to bitch him again
"Are you just going stand there and look at me like I'm stupid or are you going follow me" she said looking back
She getting a lil too comfortable
Yea I agree with him go choke her ass out
As we walked in the room I shut the door and choked her ass "you going to stop talking to me like I'm some lil nigga"
She just stared at me "you understand" I said making my grip tighter
"Yes daddy" she said looking in my eyes making my dick jump
She better stop before I fuck up her Walk
Calm down I kept telling myself so I wouldn't get a boner
I chuckled and let her go and she just stood there
"so what you wanted to talk about" I said blankly staring at her
"Damn just going get me wet and expect me to remember" she mumbled causing me to chuckle
"You still taking that shit" she asked
Yes tell her the truth
Lie fuck she need to know for
"N- You know what don't speak cause I already know the answer" she said cutting me off
Did she just cut us off
"Why... just why" she asked
"Be- shut up because there is no good enough answer"
She did it again
"My bad but you don't have to yell" she said rolling her eyes pouting a little
Not that making her sad
"Anyways like I was saying I'm done taking the nice road" she said
What she mean nice road
She started walking around the room picking everything that related to lean
What is she doing get her
Something this idiot ass should have been done
She started pouring it down the toilet "Ayye stop whatchu doing" I said grabbing her hands
"No I'm not going sit here and watch you kill yourself" she said snatching away she continued to pour it out till it was gone
Stupid we just going buy some more she ain't stopping shit
"Don't forget who I am so don't even think about trying to buy more because no one will sell you any" she said
"Now I'll be back tomorrow to make sure you've eaten" she said walking to the door
"Wait" I said grabbing her wrist
"Yes" she said
"Why are you helping me" she asked
She sighed "I'll text you when I'm on my way she said walking out the door I followed after her
"Y'all better not have made a baby in my house" Peezy said looking up at us
Sadly no
"This not your house bitch" Nuni said bucking at him
"In that case what we naming my nephew" he asked
"Ain't nobody pregnant dumbass.....but I'm out yall" nuni said grabbing her stuff
"What you finna get into" bri asked her
"Finna pick up Lexi" she said
"Bye bestfriend" Peezy loud ass yelled running towards her
"Bye best"
They all said they're byes I just gave her a head nod
Everybody broke off into there own conversations I was zoned out thinking bout Nuni and wtf just happened
Why TF she care so much
"Damn pussy got you in a gaze" Kj said snapping his fingers in my face
"Get your crusty ass fingers out my face" I said smacking his hand away
"Matter of fact all y'all get tf out" I said standing up
"Wow your putting your own cousin out I'm really feeling he love" she playfully said mugging me
"Girl shut the fuck up" I said mugging her walking upstairs getting ready for bed
° ° ° ° Hi guys !! Ignore all mistakes !! Nuni Putting her foot down. This chapter kind of short compared to the rest of the chapter but it's ok. Do y'all want to see more of Nuni/ Satan at work.