Chapter 6

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I open my eyes to sunlight coming in from my window. My head is pounding and my eyes are sore. I look over at the clock and see that it is only nine in the morning. Great no sleep at all for me. I didn't crash until after five this morning. At least the dreams weren't back my mind whispers to me. I can't believe Kris thinks that about me. He doesn't know what happened. He will never know. He can think what he wants for all I care. I slowly climb out of the bed and make my way to the kitchen. Coffee will make me feel better it always does. When I walk into the kitchen I wasn't expecting to see anyone but to my surprise Jerry is sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal. I only glance at him and make my way to the coffee. I feel his eyes on me, but I am trying my hardest to ignore him. After I make my cup I turn around to head out of the kitchen is when he finally says something.

"You look like shit this morning. I mean I almost thought the grim reaper was walking through the room at first." Really you don't say my mind replies.

"Thanks captain obvious" I say in a horse voice. I didn't expect that to happen, so I take a sip of my coffee real quick. He raises his eyebrow at me but I ignore it and keep walking out of the room.

"When your ready to talk I'll be here waiting" I hear him yell after me but being the bigger person I chose to ignore it and just go back to my room. After finishing my coffee and taking some medicine for my headache I put my IPod on and listened to music while I searched for new music. It's maybe only been an hour and my headache is slightly toned down but yet I hear some asshole pounding on my door. I slowly rise and make my way to the door fully intent on telling off who ever chooses to disturb me. When I open the door I was not expecting to see Luca standing there. Great this day just had to get worse. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Well I was here to tell you to get changed because were floating the river today and your coming but since you look like that I suggest you take a quick shower." I see everyone is intent on pointing out that I look like shit.

"What makes you think that I want to float the river?" I ask because I was content in staying locked in my room.

"I never said you had a choice. You have been avoiding all of us since you came and I know things between you and Kris are strained so think of this as a bonding experience." I rolled my eyes at that. Bonding really.

"What if I tell you I can't swim?" He looks at me like I am stupid.

"Lexi I know you know how to swim, so hurry up and get cleaned up we're leaving in a half hour." I go to protest again but he begins pushing me into my bathroom." I better hear that shower on in the next couple minutes or I am coming in." I grumble under my breath at him. Really they were fine without me for years they don't need to include me now.

I hurry up and get showered I think it was the fastest one I took in a long time because I seriously did believe he would come into the bathroom. I pull out my favorite bikini which is a black one with silver stars on it. I grab a pair of daisy duke shorts and a white tank top to throw on over it. I grab everything else I think I might need for the day which isn't that much. Shocking I know. I throw my sunglasses on and make my way downstairs and outside. Stepping outside I was not expecting to see a lot of people but I was wrong. There had to be at least twenty different boys and girls in the driveway. Great this day just couldn't get any worse. But of course my mind spoke to soon.

"Hey look at you finally gracing us with your presence. I was just going to come find you and drag you on down here so we could leave." I looked at Luca like I wanted to kill him.

"Please tell me there is alcohol."

"Of course it wouldn't be a river trip with out it." Thank god.

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