Chapter 5

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"Alexis quit hiding like a chicken. You knew this would happen when you did that." I hear him give a light chuckle. "Just come out and I promise I will go easy on you." I know him better than that though. He won't go easy on me. "You know the longer you make me wait than the worse it is going to be on yourself." I know he is right when saying that. I slowly move along the side of the house. Trying to stay out of his sight. I see him walking with the two snow balls in his hand. It's the first snow of the year and with that brought school closing because of the 7 inches that came down over night and it is still falling down with no sign of stopping any time soon. "Alexis come on I know you have to be cold." I made my way across the lawn to the huge Oak tree. I couldn't see him any more but that doesn't mean that I am safe. I slowly look around the yard than back at the house. I don't see him anywhere and I don't hear him any more. I go to turn to look behind my back and that's when I feel a ball of snow being smashed on my head. I turn all the way to look at him. I look at his face and I see him smirking down at me. Amusement is clear in his light blue eyes. His cheeks are a little rosy from being out in the cold for the last half hour. His dark brown hair is damp from the snow making it look black is clinging onto his forehead. "You were never good at hiding Alexis. You would think that you would of learned by now over the years that you could never hide from me." His voice is a deep and is as smooth as a melody to my ears. I could never get tired of listening to his voice. I turn my look into a glare at him. He begins to laugh at my glare. He always says I look like a little kitten trying to be a lion when I glare at him. "You shouldn't be upset with me. You're the one who threw the snowball at me first when I got here. You knew I would get you back." I roll my eyes and look around to see if I can escape. He has another snowball in his hand that he still hasn't used. Next thing I know a snowball is smashed in my face. I feel the instant cold from it and let out a little scream.

"I am going to kill you." I yell at his back since he already took off running.

"No your not you love me to much and would miss me." he replies. I roll my eyes at his cockiness.

"That's right you better run we are no where being done with this now Jace." I hear his bark of laughter. I take off after him. Years of running have built up a good strength for it but running in the snow is always hard. I slowly catch up to him. I know he is not running his fastest because if he was I wouldn't be able to catch up with him. I pick up speed intending to just tackle him to the ground. I see him look behind him and watch his eyes go wide in shock at seeing me so close to him. I watch him go to pick up his pace but it's to late. I am already leaping into the air and jumping onto his back tackling him to the ground. He lets out a low groan from my weight being on him. I roll him over to his back and straddle his waist.

"So now that you have caught me what do you plan to do?" He asks with a small smile playing on his lips.

"I don't know there are so many possibilities." I smirk down at him. I catch his gaze and can't help getting lost into his light blue eyes. His eyes that are as light as blue as the sky. I see the amusement shinning back at me in his eyes. "What do I want to do first."

"Now Baby remember that I love you and that I will get my revenge."

"I love you to but that is not going to stop me from getting you back. I only hit you with one snowball you however hit me with two. That's not fair in my book. Plus I am a girl and if you really loved me you wouldn't of thought to get you revenge on the first place." You could hear the playfulness in my voice. I reach for the snow next to his head to bring it up to make a ball of snow. He is watching me with weary eyes waiting to see what I do next. I slowly bring it to my chest never breaking eye contact with him. I slowly drop my hands down to my lap where his jacket meets his pants. "Now I am thinking that I want to call a truce or we will be out here all night after each other. Not only that but I am cold and we both know how I hate the cold." I hear him let out a light chuckle. "So what do you say Jace can we have a truce?" I have slowly packed the snow into a ball. I wait patiently for him to answer but after a few minutes I get tired of waiting on him. I slowly lean towards him and hear his breathing hitch. I love how I am able to do that to him. I see a flash of uncertainly in his eyes but that is gone before I can question it.

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