Chapter 2

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It has been five years since I have been in this room and nothing has changed.  Bonnie was right when she said that they left it alone.  I figured they would turn it into another guest room or something.  In a way it does feel nice that they left it alone after all this time.  Like it was my room and this would always be home to me in a way.  I still wish I was in the city with my friends.  It makes me wonder what they are up to.  Are they actually doing some exciting and fun while I am stuck here in the country where staring at a tree is terms of fun.  Or maybe it is going cow tipping, hell you probably have to do a lot to actually get into trouble.  I was so lost in my own thoughts and the conversation I was having in my head that I jumped almost a foot in the air when someone cleared their throat behind me.  I turned around slowly and came face to face with Kris and Jerry.  How I know it was them two is because Kris is the spitting image of his father my uncle, and Jerry still has the same angel blonde hair and ocean blue eyes.  I didn't say anything and neither did they. 

After a minute of this some what awkward silence I raised an eyebrow in Kris's direction to see what he wanted.  We haven't spoke in years so there has to be something that he has to say.  I took in his stance as I waited for him to speak.  He looked comfortable, relaxed even to be in this room like there was nothing wrong.  He was just leaning up against the wall by the door looking around seeing if I had magically changed something while he wasn't in here.  Jerry on the other hand was tense looking.  Standing in the doorway staring at me.  Almost like I wasn't real and would vanish in front of his own eyes.  Hell I know that I did that before but now I couldn't just leave that easily.  Stupid parents making me come here.

"What finally made you come back?"  Kris finally asked breaking the silence that surrounded us.  No HI, Hello, how've you been, just straight to the point.  One of the many reasons why I liked him.  I ran my hand through my hair something I tend to do when I am nervous, trying to figure out something to say to him.  I haven't spoke to him in years, I don't know how much he has changed over time.  Would he tell his parents the real reason I am here if he found out, would he buy what ever story I say.  Would he keep what I say between us?

"What I figured you missed me and would be glad to see my smiling face after all this time.  I thought you would be over joyed with my return."  I smiled almost mockingly at him.  He replied by giving me that ' I don't believe you so cut the shit' look.  I sighed what else could I really do.  In a way I wanted us to get back to where we used to be.  "Later there are to many ears and people in the house."  I side glanced over to Jerry hoping Kris would understand.  He rolled his eyes at me.  Pretty much saying no matter what he would tell Jerry.

"Fine but we will talk about this later then."  A little to serious  in his tone.  Yep I know he his mad at me by the way he is talking.

"Fine" I huffed out.  "You win we will talk later."  I stressed on the word later.  He smirked at me all to smugly enjoying this way to much.  Ass he is taking to much pleasure in me being upset.

"If it helps anything I am sorry how I left things with you and I did miss you."  I put on my best puppy dog face hoping it would  work on him like it did when we were little.  It seemed to help a little when his eyes softened.but not completely.  I could tell he was fighting with himself.  He opened his mouth to say something but my phone rang at that moment.  I looked at it and saw that it told me the devil was ringing.  A.K.A my parents.  I held my finger up telling him to wait a minute so I could speak with them.

"What checking to make sure that I made it to purgatory?"  I asked coldly.  No greeting or anything just pure coldness to them for making me come here.

"Don't be like that Lexi  I just wanted to make sure you had a safe drive and that everything was going good.  Seeing how I didn't get to see you this morning before you left, nor did your father."

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