310 9 1

(Y/N) Your Name

(E/C) Eye Color

(H/C) Hair Color

Italic Thoughts


(Y/N)'s pov

"Just stay down for fuck sake!" My vision becomes more and more blurry, each fists making contact with my face. Blood is all I taste for the past minutes. I feel my hair flow as I received punches. My eyes squint in pain, the sound of cheers and boos echoed in my ear. Surrounding me, watching me fight like some sort of zoo animal.

"You brought this upon yourself!"

C'mon (Y/N)! Fight! Just a little more! He's almost out, I know I can take him down, I have to!

The tank top man opposite me throws a hard right which almost cost me to lose balance. However, I manage to land a few good punches here and there, I can see his wobbly stance through my blurry vision.

With all that's left of my energy tank, I keep my stance as he slowly approach me, bringing both my fist into defence position, I wait for his attack.

Slowly but surely, he confidently tries to throws a big left hook up to the side of my head, my body immediately notices the threat and ducked down. I grab the chance to get some distance between us and land a roundhouse kick to his throat. It was sloppy as hell but it was enough to make the man make weird coughing noises.

I force myself to move every inch of my body, my legs swiftly ran towards him as I spear him to the ground.

He grunted as the impact of his huge body echoed the room, I move my whole body to his torso and lay down punches after punches to his head.

I pin him down with my knee as I see his arm raising up to defend his face.

My fist gets more and more red as I keep pulling and pushing down my arm, his blood coughing mouth gets all over the hard concrete floor. Noises surround me starts to fade, vision gets more blurry, mouth taste like blood,

I don't know if I'm seeing it wrong but I'm pretty sure he mouths the word "Stop". But I couldn't take that chance.

At this point in time, I am deaf.

The situation went more like it was for few seconds before a loud thud cause me to snap. All I heard was the sound of screeching metal doors before I was drag away from my opponent who is laying down lifeless in front of me. My head turns to see spectators who gasped as the view of my opponent is more clear to the eye. A mixture of shock and joy is the only thing I'm able to see with my blurry eyes. Took me few seconds to register the body of Ralph just few inches away from me.

The one of the toughest dude here. Ralph Williams, over 6 feet tall with brownish eye color, black coloured hair, tanned skin color with a tattoo on his shoulder. built like a tractor. Rumours say he has an undefeated record for beating up survivors for supplies, food, weapons or even for higher positions in this community.

That's how it works here. The stronger you are, the more valuable your position.

But today, a young newcomer who was force to fight, beat the all mighty record. Shame.

"Not bad."

I turn to look for the source of the sound only to see the well known looking man at the edge of the metal balcony on top of me. My mind tries to detect every detail possible. But, blurry vision doesn't help. The man is wearing black coloured T-shirt, black regular torn up pants with cloth covering both his hand. He stands against the metal railing with a smug on his face, sweating. The room that was before filled with cheers and boos has now turn silent, as if they are greeting a king.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2023 ⏰

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