Chapter 1

21 1 1

Maria's pov

The sun is annoyingly bright this morning and it's waking me up, I just wanted to sleep in on my shucking day off

I get up and walk out of Newts room to get to mine.

I don't like sleeping in my room anymore due to my old roommate, but its the only room that has a private bathroom with a lock.

I wash my face with cold water and brush my teeth.

My hair is a tangled mess but I don't have the energy to brush it -_- so I just tear it into 3 pieces and make a messy and knotted braid.

I go back in to my room and sort through the small pile of clothes on my old bed.

I pick out some green cargo pants and a long sleeve white shirt.

I lace up my boots and head outside.


Some background:

Alby, Minho, Gally, Winston, Zart, Clint, Newt and I sleep in one of the two non glazer made buildings. The creators went through the trouble of making it for the keepers.

Alby is our leader, Minho is the keeper of the runners(my brother used to share that responsibility with him), gally is the keeper of the builders blah blah blah etc., newt and I are the second in commands/ keepers of the glade, I help with the medjacks and runners and newt helps with the trackhoes/gardeners, slicers and cooks mostly; we both help Alby with keeping things in order.

The building is two stories and houses the leaders/keepers, there are four rooms on the top floor which holds; alby newt, Minho, and me. I used to share a room with someone but he's gone now. The bottom floor has five rooms which hold; Gally, Frypan, Zart, Clint, and Winston.


I head over to the kitchens to see if frypan needs help because I have nothing better to doand I'm also hoping he has a little bit of chocolate left from the last supply shipment.Sadly no chocolate was left. But I did do some free labor and washed most of the dishes.

After that frypan kicked me out so he could prep for lunch "in peace" :(

I decided to go help with the medjacks but not before I went and said hi to Newt and Zart.

I walked over to the gardens and found them both working on some tomatoes.We talked for a few minutes before I started walking to the medjack hut. As I walked away I heard whispering followed by laughing from the two boys.

So I turned around and moved my focus to what they were looking at.To no surprise it was gally in the distance yelling at one of his newer builders, out of nowhere the kid being yelled at passed out cold, falling straight to the ground.

I sprinted at full speed and dropped to my knees to get a better look at the shank

When I got to him he was unresponsive but definitely alive.

I took him back to the medjack hut with no help from gally, but zart came and helped me carry the shank.We put him in a bed with a damp cloth over his eyes. Zart went back to the gardens and I just started organizing our supplies.

Not even 20 minutes later gally comes in with a big gash on the side of his head

"Hey gally, what the shuck happened to you?" 

No answer :(

I got some gauze and something to clean the wound, it was pretty deep but overall not too bad.

"Some shank probably wasn't paying attention while holding the wooden beams" hissed gally "are you sure it was them that wasn't paying attention" I replied with a smile on my lips

I finished dressing gallys wounds and sent him on his way. By the time I was done the boy who passed out was awake and being cared for by Jeff.

I had nothing else to do so I decided to go take a nap

I walked past the dead heads into a clearing in the forest at the far corner of the gladethere is a pretty lake that is surprising clear for how still the water is. I lay down in a warm spot of sun near the water, pray I won't fall in and drown then drift off to dream world


Sorry this was so short i just wanted to post something 

I hope your having a good day/night

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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