A great way to start it.

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[breathes heavily]

-Starting recording. Hello everyone my name is Eric Willie I am a 20 years old scientist who's applied in a college with so many people. First of all i want to apologize to the mankind. To everyone who lived for something and who even wished to stop the time to achieve their goals if they could. But I guess I won at stopping the time, or more like at killing the mankind. I killed everyone in this world, the president, the dumb rulers, the terrorists, everyone. Well if you ask me how I did it, I cant say it while im recording, who knows maybe one day I find a way to get humanity back to life and this tape recording ends up in the wrong hands, but all i can say for now is that I found a way to create something that manages to kill and put an end to the human DNA. For simple reasons, I love a girl. I ended humanity, stopped the economy, ignored everyone's feelings,stopped all the satellites. Just for you. Just for you Jane.
Jane Poker is a girl older than me which made it difficult for me to ask her out. I know her answer, she'll say no, I know it too damn well.

I may seem a bit off, or a little too cliche and naive. But hey, how can I resist, I even started to think that im the smartest person. And since im smart, oh I'll do anything just so i can end up being with you. Ending the first session.

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