The end of the Crow

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Ella looks at the workers. Points at them.

-See over there? They're responsible for, let's say the greatest responsibility, once they mess up an inch. Every system blows down to dust. New york city will all turn into burned potatoes. And over here, there's this part which I'd like to call the "cotton section" they're responsible for everything that relates to clothes, they make suits, clothes and even bulletproof suits! It's crazy right.

-Ella can we move to the business part? Says Jane.

-Okay sorry, let's head to my office.

After a short walk, they arrived at Ella's office.

-You can take your seats. Jane this problem concerns you.

-Let me guess, says Jane, everybody in this world needs me cause I'm a woman?

-I'm a woman myself. And yes, no need to ask me if I'm with all of this, I'm not with the idea but I also have no choice.

-Sure you all go like "I have no choice". But do you have an explanation?

-Look Jane, I wish it was that simple, this decision had to be made. People are suffering, the EARTH is suffering, from over population, deceases, plastic shit, and everything, but hey look. Everything will go exactly like it's planned sweetheart, all you have to do is-

Jane jumps on Ella holding the knife on Ella's neck.

-Now, "Sweetheart" what are your last words, says Jane. I've been testing myself if I can kill anybody, so let's start with you.

Eric steps in.

-Jane please stop don't get us in a situation where we gonna end up ki-

Jane takes her gun with her second hand and points it at Eric.

-You better not say any words fucker. You think I'm gonna let this dirty little shit slip? No Eric NO!

-You curse a lot don't you, says Ella while sliding her hand down the table to press a button, you know that there's security don't you.

-I'll take my chances against them, says Jane. How many are there, 4? 5? I'll fucking take them all.

-I wouldn't keep the dagger in my neck if i want to kill those soldiers if I were you, says Ella.

Suddenly, Ella goes under the table. A flash bomb rolls in the room.

-NOOOO! Says Eric while jumping on Jane to protect her.

Everything is white, white noise, white smoke, vision blurred and the world is tripping.

Eric is on top of Jane, the both of them are lying on the ground.
Ella stands up and goes to jane.

-You know, after all these minutes, I started to like you and you do that for me? Now look at you, desperate and can't move. Nice dagger though.

Ella loads her gun and points it at Jane.

-For being rude to me, I won't even let you have your last words, I'm not gonna survive anyways so there's no one to remember yours.

Ella finally shoots at Jane. Eric takes the bullet for Jane.

"Live freely Jane, live freely" Said Eric with a low cracked and weak voice.

Jane screams from anger, takes the dagger and slits Ella's throat, she gets up, goes out to the soldiers and kills them one by one. She then comes back to Eric where he's breathing his last air.

-Don't you fucking leave me Eric, don't you fucking leave me! Says Jane while trying to stop the bleeding from Eric's chest.

-Jane, you're beautiful today.

-Save you're breath Eric. SAVE IT!

-God, you're sweet hair, the long red leather coat. Everything about you is just so beautiful.

-oh my fucking god just shut it save it.

-Jane there's no cure for me it's a lethal spot. she tried to shoot there for a reason, she knew I'd protect you. Jane, I love you.

Eric passes out, Jane looks at him, closing his eyes, and stayed with him a little longer.

-Is this how it's supposed to happen Eric. Did you do it on purpose? Well I guess we'll find out.

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