Time Sure FLIES

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Too much has happened. For example, our believed puppet, (Y/n), WAS TAKEN. Sam and Sonny had gotten home only to see their neighborhood being terrorized by monsters and ghouls and a giant spider made of balloons that Mr. Chu made in days.

What a huge Halloween fan he is-

Their mother told them to look out because they nearly got ran over by a group of people running, (Y/n) ended up getting dropped, but that didn't matter much, she landed on grass and only her hands and head were made of plaster glass(Please, if you have a head made of glass, please do not try dangerous stunts and try to be extra careful and please note that this is a joke). Sarah told the boys to get the ladder to save their mother whom was tied up in a tree in a spider's web, looking like the next meal for the huge ugly creature(no disrespect to those who have pet spiders and whatnot-) while she takes the book and save their mother. "(Y/n), you got my six, right?" She nodded as the boys ran to the house, Sarah started sucking in skeletons, she tried to suck in a werewolf into the book, but it turned out to be a grown man who was running for his life, just like every kid here.

Sarah got to her mother who said she was worried about them. "Just hang tight, we're going to get you down from there, trust me!" Exclaimed Sarah while (Y/n) snickered at the unintended joke. "Ghost inbound!" Called out Kathy making Sarah look and get knocked to the side as Stine's book was thrown forward then grabbed by the ghost that pushed Sarah. (Y/n) ran forward as the boys came out with the ladder. What happened next was horrible, (Y/n) felt herself get shot in the leg causing her to look and see a glob of webbing. She tried to escape, but saw a looming shadow making her look up and see the eight legged balloon beast. Before (Y/n) could scream out, another glob came down upon her. It was hard to see, but lights and some movement can be see vaguely outside the webbing. 

(Y/n) started being lifted and spun around before being carried somewhere, screams of fear and Sarah's name being cried out while bumping lightly to Kathy most likely, if not for the padding of the webbing, (Y/n)'s head would have been broken, had her head be made of glass instead of wood, at least. Thinking about it, this gives (Y/n) time to think. Why, of all things, was she turned into a doll? A puppet of all items to be turned into. Where was she anyway? Sure, it's been a month and a day or two, but she never really thought about it. She should have, she hated herself for not thinking about it. She didn't bother to think about the possiblities because they all point to her beloved Slappy.. the Slappy who decided to go with Mary Ellen, instead of trying to help (Y/n) and his brothers.

The very Slappy she fell in love with.

It wasn't planned, she never planned on falling in love with him. Her goal in life was simple, find the original Slappy ventriloquist dummy that was used in the old Goosebumps TV show. She never expected to feel love for someone who was only a doll. Wait, no, he wasn't just any puppet, he's the puppet she spent her life looking for, trying to save money to buy back then, the very same who turned into a human unexpectedly, he never said how, but they were close, so close that they share the same love. A love that no inanimate object should feel, a love that someone evil should contain, sure some evil people do find love, but not something made to be evil and only evil. But he isn't evil anymore, or as we should say, he isn't designed to be feared, he won't cause horror and fright anymore.

The Slappy who turned her whole life upside down. Her thoughts were cut short, a whisper in the wind made her vision go blurry. Again, how is that possible? Sadly, everything went dark.

The next thing (Y/n) knew when she awoke, she was surrounded by old machines. (Y/n) sat up, her legs sprawled out, wearing a white summer dress that was redesigned into a gown fit for a bride. She grabbed a bit of the gown's skirt, confused before looking forward and her eyes metaphorically widen since they can't get any wider due to only be made of glass. It was Kathy, now as a puppet. The once human, now dummy, quickly got up, backing up to another spot, the clapping sounds of her shoes marking each step she took, she bumped into something broad. She turned around and saw the dummy of her dreams, or rather nightmares at this given moment. He held onto her as he laughed, she looked and saw the kids.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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