Hide N' Seek

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It was a somewhat normal day in TrollsTopia. Somewhat. Poppy was ecstatic- for no apparent reason. And Branch. Poor Branch. Trying to contain Poppy, who was jumping, twirling, and skipping thru the town. Or, more like city. TrollsTopia was booming lately, giving Poppy and Branch a lot less time with each other. As Poppy was queen, and Branch was... well, Branch.
And both trolls knew that it wasn't good to put so much strain on a newborn relationship.
"Pops, slow down..!" he panted, trying to keep up with the girl. She looked back at him, slowing a bit.
"Sorry, I'm just excited!"
Branch raised an eyebrow. "For what, exactly?"
"I've told you this, Branch. Barb and the other leaders are coming today!" she paused for a moment, "Or, did I tell you?"
Branch chuckled softly. She been forgetting things a lot lately, he thought.
At this point, he'd caught up and was now walking with her.
"Sorry, I guess I forgot?" she said as she bit her lip.
"Mhm. Maybe you need a break?" Branch suggested, which immediately turned her head.
"A- a what? A break from what?" She was oblivious. Her brow was furrowed and her smile turned upside down.
"A break from worrying and stressing over every little thing that happens. Because we both know you do," he remarked, rather quietly.
Poppy stopped, and looked down at her feet. "I do do that... don't I?" she whispered towards the ground.
"Yep. You're being so hard on yourself, and you didn't even realize it, Popsicle," he stroked her hair as spoke.
She sighed. "But, Branch, I still have a lot to do, and that's just today!" she groaned.
"I have to meet the TrollsTopia leaders to arrange the arrival party's final details,"
And I have to actually set up the party, I have to read to the Trollings.. again.. and I- I- have so much more..to do.." she whimpered.
She suddenly broke down. Her knees gave way, and she fell to the ground, crying and gripping the grass.
Branch scooped her up and held her. "Hey, hey, it's okay. Let's not think about that, alright?" he held her head against his chest.
"Okay..." Poppy mumbled into his vest.
Branch set her down carefully. "I'll help you. I can read to the kids, and I can help you with the party stuff."
He paused.
"If you let me, of course."

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Back at the bunker, Poppy and Branch were doing regular stuff. Mostly chores.
Branch looked over at Poppy, who was on the ground, scrubbing at the floor. He cleared his throat and she looked up. "Hey, Pops? Thanks for helping me out with chores, but maybe..," he hesitated, studying her face for a few moments before continuing, "Maybe we could take a break? Play a game?"
Her face brightened and she jumped up off of the ground. "Finally!" she sighed in relief. He laughed.
"Alright, so whaddya want to play?" he asked, picking up the sponge and bucket that Poppy was using.
"Uhhhmm, hmm. How about... checkers!" she beamed.
"Oka-," he started, but he was interrupted by a loud gasp.
"Wait! No! Hide N' Seek!" she squealed.
She looked like a child, with her bitten-raw lip, messy hair, and adorable freckles.
"Fine, we'll play Hide N' Seek. Now, go hide," he ordered playfully. She hugged him. "Thanks, Branchie."
Poppy started to dash away, but she slipped on the water that pooled in a puddle on the floor.
She lay there and looked at the ceiling. "Pops? Pops!? Are you okay?!" Branch screamed as he dropped to the ground.
She groaned. "Owch..! I'm fine! Phweww!" she giggled faintly, holding up her head.
"I'm gonna go hide now! Byee!" she jumped back up and ran away, leaving Branch standing there in shock.
"Oh. Right. Okay, uhm... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5..," he covered his face with his hand and counted.
Poppy looked around the bunker, trying to be as silent as possible. Her eyes flicker around, then finally landed on Branch's bedroom. "Aha!" she whispered.
Poppy snuck into his room and crawled under his bed.
"Ready or not, here I co-ooome!"
Branch crept into the kitchen. "Poppy? Where are you?" he growled into the empty room. He ripped open the pantry door.
He sighed, somewhat angrily, that she wasn't there.
Branch walked over to his bedroom.
"Popsicle?" he asked the dim room.
His ear twitched. Snicker.
"C'mon Poppy.." he crept closer to the closet.
He swung the door open. "Aha!!"
His face fell when he saw she wasn't there.
Branch huffed.
"Y'know, I'ma tickle you so hard when I find you."
She giggled, but then covered her mouth.
Branch saw her move. He grabbed one of her hands and pulled her out from under his bed.
"AHHHHHHHH! Br-ranch!"
He picked her up and dropped her on the bed.
"You're really bad at this, aren't you?"
"Not fair! You've lived here for 30 years!" she pouted.
"Yup, that's the point."
Branch started to tickle her.
She laughed and gripped her sides, rolling around on the bed.
"Okay! Okay! You win!"
"That's what I thought," Branch said smugly.
Poppy crossed her arms and glared at him. "Hmph. I wanna rematch!" she said, hopping off the bed.
Branch shook his head. "Poppy, don't you have a meeting with the leaders in like, twenty minutes?"
She looked suprised. "Wait- already?!"
Poppy looked over at the clock that was ticking away on Branch's wall.
"Yeah, okay," she bent down and kissed him.
"Cya' later, Branch!" Poppy said and she skipped away.
"Bye Pop-Blossom," he smiled and hugged his pillow.

When she was back at her own pod,
Poppy sat on her bed and stared blankly at her mirror.
"He wins every time," she murmured.
She smiled and shook her head.
"I'll beat that dork, I just know I will!"
She smacked her fist on her palm.
"Um, Poppy?" Holly Darlins' southern drawl echoed thru the quiet room.
"Oh heyyy! How long have you been here?"
Holly smiled goofily
"Long enough to know you think someone's a dork,"
she put her hands on her hips- or whatever you'd call her waist area-, and continued, "And it better not be me or Val!"
"It's not, I promise!" Poppy giggled.
She dragged Poppy off of her bed. "Come on, y'all! I ain't getting anymore younger!"
Poppy followed her, rubbing at her arm.
She thought of Branch, and how he had always beat her at hide n' seek.
Holly nudged her. "You alright, Poppy?"
Poppy sighed dreamily and nodded.
"Okay, y'all, now let's go!"

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