Cupcake Casserole

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That's all Branch could think about. He was secretly planning a date for the girl. Or maybe not so secretly, as he did get most of his friends to help. It wouldn't be a surprise if they went and spilled the... well, jellybeans.

Besides, she already knew about it, right? And anyway, why was he even stressing about pointless things like that? He simply wanted the night to be amazing. It just had to be!

If he was even thinking about asking her the question he so desperately wanted to, it had be perfect.

He shook all of the thoughts away and continued his cooking. The dish smelled delicious so far, and it was Poppy's favorite, a cupcake casserole.

Branch was quietly humming to himself when he heard the clunky sound of the bunker's elevator shaft. "Synth must be here.." he murmured, untying the apron that was wrapped around his waist.

He was about to walk out of the kitchen when Synth jumped infront of his face. Branch screamed and jumped backwards, while Synth gripped his sides and roared with laughter. "Phew, Dubstep! You scream like a Trolling!" he exclaimed.

"Thanks," he growled, watching Synth attempt to collect himself. The techno troll male obviously missed the tick of sarcasm and responded with a sincere 'you're welcome'. Branch rolled his eyes and continued to hum, as if his friend simply didn't exist.

"So, Dubstep? I heard you have a dinner date with the queen?"


An uncomfortable silence hung in the air as Branch quietly pushed the casserole dish into the oven. "Wanna talk about it?" Synth said, breaking the silence, yet making the air feel still somehow more awkward. Branch shook his head.

"What's there to talk about? Me and my girl are going out for a picnic, that's it," Branch shrugged. He glanced over at Synth, who was standing in front of one of the cupboards. "Whatcha looking at?" he asked. He turned back to the kitchen counter and started to wipe off the mess.

Synth didn't answer for a while, he just silently stared at what seemed to be a picture frame. "Any other plans for the night?" he finally asked, making Branch stand up straight. Synth walked over to where Branch stood with the picture in hand.

Branch looked at the frame. The photo inside was of Poppy, (like most of his pictures were), standing in front of the lagoon. She was facing the camera, but looking away, like she was distracted or talking. But Branch's favorite part of the image, was her beautiful yellow bathing suit.

Somewhere in the back of his head, he scolded himself for   thinking that way about the queen. But he couldn't help it that she looked stunning wearing the thing. He was dragged away from his thoughts when he heard the timer sitting on the stove give a shrill ring.

He sighed and pulled the hot food out of the appliance, but dropping the platter on the floor. He almost screamed at the sight, but instead he swore under his breath and bent over to clean it up.

One thing was sure; it was going to be a long day.

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Poppy was bombarded with who-knows how many questions, like she was on the night where she had told the leaders about her anxiety. She tried to keep cool, but it was a lot of pressure and the weight was crushing her.

She had to remember to breathe and think about things that brought her joy. So, her mind immediately flipped to Branch. This did make Poppy smile; that she was pretty much programed now to think of Branch as a happy thought.

But today was going to be rough, as she had still yet to tell the tribal leaders about the stress and anxious thoughts. And, as much as she didn't want to, she needed to. "But it sure would be easier with Branch.." Poppy mumbled.

She didn't want to think about anything else, really. Poppy just wanted to fantasize about her lovely boyfriend. So, she did just that. She let her mind wander around, mostly about Branch as she paced around the town.

"I'm going to get you!"

Poppy giggled, and soon got slammed in the face with a fluffy blue pillow

"Wow, I really got you good, didn't I?" Branch chuckled, scooping up the young queen up into his arms. She was covered hair to toe in feathers from the pillow he threw at her. But, boy, this was a fun sleepover. She wasn't sure she wanted it to end.

"Night, Pops," he said, ruffling his hand thru her feather-scattered hair. "Night, Branchie," she cooed back.

Poppy stopped her daydreaming when she realized where she was. Right infront of the bunker. She sighed and walked up to the entrance. She knew that she shouldn't go inside, because she had other things to do. But she really wanted to.

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Branch was busy completing the new cupcake casserole he had prepared. He was focused, biting his tongue, trying not to make any mistakes. Synth was over by the fridge, digging thru the drawers for an ingredient.

The two almost jumped out of their skin when the heard the grinding sound of the elevator. "Who is it now?" Branch  groaned, apparently annoyed. He left the kitchen, with his apron still tightly tied around his waist and messy hands.

Branch rubbed his temples and shut his eyes. He didn't care who was standing in front of him, in fact, he didn't want to even know. He just wanted them to get out. "Look, I don't want company right now. I'm busy," he said, trying to be polite, yet failing miserably.

"Aw, not even from me?"

Poppy's familiar voice echoed in his ears, and his eyes involuntarily shot open. "Poppy? Aren't you supposed to be out being queen?" he asked, slowly moving towards her. Poppy put her hand on her chest in mocked offense. "Excuse me, is the queen suddenly not allowed to visit her boyfriend?" she smirked.

Branch blinked twice, furrowing his brow. "It's been two hours since you've seen me, Poppy!" he said. Poppy's face fell and she looked down. "Oh. Okay.. alright. I guess I can leave then," she sighed, turning around and heading back towards the elevator.

"Wait, Poppy! No, that's not what I meant!" he gasped. But before he could reach her, she was already going up the shaft.


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