A Preposition

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Branch paced around an empty part of the meadow, pushing thru clouds of hazy fog. While Poppy was busy eating dessert, he hadn't even touched his dinner. How could he even think about food at a time like this? He'd told himself he could do this, that proposing wasn't a big deal at all.

He lied.

This could make or break their relationship. No, this could  make or break their lives. He let out a frustrated growl. "Come on, Branch! Pull yourself together!" Branch groaned and sat down on the wet grass. He ran his fingers thru his hair, breathing a long, tired exhale thru his nose. He was something more than exhausted, and he could barely think straight.

But he needed to do this. He needed this change. He couldn't live any longer without this. Branch rubbed his temples, trying desperately to clear away the herd of thoughts rampaging his mind.

I love her.

I always have, since the moment I saw her.

I know she wants this..

So then.. why is it so hard?


Branch shot up off of the ground. His eyes widened and he could feel his heart race. He momentarily relaxed when he processed the cheerful, sing-songy tone of her voice, but stiffened again as his mind stormed his brain, catastrophizing in a spiral of agonizing thoughts about Poppy.


He bolted back towards where he'd left the girl alone earlier, frantically searching for her. He let out a breath, one didn't know he had held, when he saw her standing there, right where she was before he had left.

Branch felt a mix of anger and relief. He was already on edge, and her screaming didn't help. Poppy smiled at him and greeted him thru a mouthful of cupcakes. "Hey, Branch!" He felt himself glaring at her as he walked closer. "Poppy!" She flinched. "You can't do stuff like that! I almost had a heart attack!" He immediately regretted his scolding when her expression fell.

"Sorry," she whispered, "I'm sorry."

He shook his head shamefully, staring down at the ground. "No, Poppy.. it's not your fault. I'm just tired, I..I really didn't mean to raise my voice."  Branch felt her lips brush along his jaw. "I just was wondering where you were. I'm sorry I scared you." She'd quickly bounced back to her loving composure, continuing to give him kisses all around his face. Soothing, gentle, soft kisses.

He hummed a sound of amusement at her sweet actions.

She's so kind. Another reason why I want to marry her.

Poppy pressed up against him and buried him in an engulfing hug. "Thank you so much for this. I know you worked really hard today." She kissed him again.

Poppy'd make such a good mother.

Branch silently winced at that. Way too soon. "Of course. You're welcome." He looked at her, staring into her eyes. "You deserve it, y'know." Poppy blinked and her mouth opened the slightest bit, as if to say something, but she  remained quiet. He heard her quietly huff, like she was contemplating how she should answer.

He glanced at Poppy, whose face was stricken with a doubtful look. Branch frowned and turned fully over to his girlfriend. He tenderly cupped her rosy cheeks, turning her head to look at him. "You deserve this," he repeated, his voice quiet but sure.

She smiled and leaned into his hand.

They stayed there for a moment, enjoying one another's presence. Suddenly, Branch's eyes widened with an idea.

"Pops, I almost forgot!"

Poppy blinked and backed away. "What is it? Are you okay?"

He nodded and swallowed thickly.

Don't faint, don't faint.

"Poppy, I have..I have something I want to.. urm, to ask you."

Her expression changed to a worried one.

"Did I do something wrong? I promise, I didn't mean to! Or are you hurt? What's wrong? Am I hurt?" Poppy's lip quivered and she silently gasped, "Wait...are you.. are you breaking up with me?"

"What? Poppy-"

"I knew it!" her voice cracked, "You hate me, I.. I'm a horrible girlfriend! I'm sor- sorry.."

She started to sob and sunk down to the ground. Branch watched in shock as she cried. He dropped down onto his knees and wrapped his arms around her, not completely sure what he should do. He'd helped her thru anxiety attacks before, but nothing like this. No, this happened in an instant. Thirty seconds ago, she was fine. She wasn't scared, or sad or even angry. He desperately searched his mind for something, anything, that would help, but he found nothing.

And then an idea struck him.

No, Branch. You vowed never to think about that again.

He glanced down at Poppy, who was curled up in a vulnerable little ball of tears and anxiousness. He had to do it. Anything to help her. He started to think about the one thing he hated to think about.

Branch stopped. Memories flooded him. Confusion, anger, sadness, strong mixes of emotions that he had felt so many times before. He could almost feel these tragically familiar feelings pulse thru his body in a heart-wrenching way. He looked down again, reminding himself that this was for her.

His memories shifted to another painful moment of his life.




He was lying on the floor of his cluttered bunker. He felt another bout of rage and screamed. "I hate her! I hate her!" The teenager's voice was hoarse and rough, burning hot tears streaming down his cheeks. "She's a stupid, spoiled, naïve little brat! I hate every inch of that glitterpuff!"

He was shaking, but he couldn't move. He could barely breathe. Another wail escaped him. "I love you, Poppy! I hate it how much I love you!" He squeezed his knees and buried his head in them. "You gorgeous, brilliant, blinding ray of sunshine.. I love you more than you can imagine," he whispered.

Branch felt a tear roll down his cheek. He hugged her as tight as he could and she leaned into his chest.

"I love you..more than you can imagine, Poppy.."

He couldn't stand her anguished sobs anymore. He needed to fix this. And he knew exactly how.

"Poppy, look at me," he took her chin and made her look at him. Her face was drenched in her lamentations and a thick black mascara. "I'm not breaking up with you. I don't know why you would even think about that, sunshine.." he paused, wiping the still pouring tears off of her cheeks, "I want to marry you."

Poppy choked on the lump in throat. She started to weep again, ramming her forehead into his chest. The girl wrapped her arms around him. Branch rubbed circles against her back. "No, hey, you're supposed to be happy, baby.."

She looked up at him, still crying, but this time, her stained face was knitted with a beautiful look of pure joy. "I am," sob, "you big," sob, "doofus!"

"So?" Branch flipped open the purple ring box and held it out.

"Yes, yes, yes! Of course!"

He smiled and slipped the ring onto her finger. Poppy's eyes flicked back and forth between the ring and Branch.
She eventually rested her eyes on Branch and moved closer. Their lips hovered over each other for a heartbeat before they both met. The kiss was sweet and long, the two pulling away after what felt like hours.

Yep. Just another normal day in TrollsTopia.

And that's a wrap, people! Yup, that's right, I'm done! I will be publishing a new book soon, probably the sequel to this one. It's called Beautiful Chaos and I expect to at least be up by September 21. (BROPPY DAY, WOOHOO!) I might publish a little sneak peek of it later on, too :)

Bye! Thanks for reading!

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