Chapter 30: Argument

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I was just staring into Chaeyoung's eyes. Her eyes show her sincerity, which makes me feel guilty if I choose Jennie.

I didn't know what I should say. What should I do?

"Chaeyoung-ah" I called cutting off the silence, I looked down and collected my thoughts
"Jennie changed. She apologized, it wasn't her intention. And to be honest I found hope. Maybe I might have a chance of getting Jennie's heart. I want her to love me back" I honestly replied
"I'm not the man for you, Chaeyoung. I'm sorry" I added having the courage and look into Chaeyoung's eyes

Right in front of me, Chaeyoung with an expression I can't tell

"I-I am so h-happy for you" Chaeyoung smiled as her tears slowly appear

I immediately smiled back at her and hugged her tight

"I mean, being friends with you is fine for me" Chaeyoung said through my shirt that was blocking her voice

I tapped her head and looked to my right where the door is

Jennie was there standing

"Jennie" I called
"Y/n" Jennie replied
"I want you, outside. Right now" Jennie said sternly then walked away

Chaeyoung steps away and nods her head. I stood up and followed Jennie


Jennie walks into some kind of set, and Y/n then follows

Jennie walks into some kind of set, and Y/n then follows

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Wow this is well prepared, Y/n thought

"Y/n" Jennie turned around

Y/n stopped and turned his gaze to her

"Be honest" Jennie suddenly said
"Honest with what-" Y/n's words were cut
"Do you like Chaeyoung?" Jennie asked

Y/n was taken aback by what she said

"What do you mean-"
"Until what did you hear?" Y/n asked changing his question
"Shut up. You were hugging her so lovingly" Jennie pointed out
"She was crying-" Y/n was cut out again
"I know she likes you" Jennie blurted out
"Chaeyoung told me that she liked you. She liked you from the start. Ever since you came. You didn't notice?" Jennie added
"I-I didn't know, not until she told me" Y/n explained
"When I first heard it. I didn't care, not even a bit" Jennie said in harsh words
"I didn't give a fuck that she likes you" Jennie added
"Because our marriage is arranged anyways" Jennie is basically killing Y/n with words

Y/n just stood there listening. He thought he had a chance to get Jennie's love but at that moment

He felt that he didn't have a chance. Maybe it was just him who imagined having a chance. But now he realized, he didn't have the chance to begin with

"But Y/n this is getting out of hand. If this continues, our marriage can be canceled" Jennie talked through Y/n's absence of words
"We just need at least 1 year of so-called happy marriage just then you can get a divorce" Jennie added
"Just a year and you can go and do whatever you want. I'll let you go" Jennie looked away
"Love who you want to love, remarry a girl who is deserving of your love and attention" Jennie mumbled, but Y/n still heard it

Y/n inhaled, processing what Jennie was saying. He didn't know if he was sad or if he was disappointed. Even if he wanted to talk about what he feels. His lips were sealed. Jennie only cares about one thing. Y/n wanted to point it out

"You only cared for Kim Clothings" Y/n finally broke free from his silent prison
"What?" Jennie turned her head at Y/n
"Your mom's company. You only cared for that" Y/n explained
"You only wanted to marry me for that. And for that only" Y/n pointed out
"I thought I had a chance of getting you to love me" Y/n added
"I guess, I was just being stupid. Holding on for such false hope" Y/n looked down
"That's not true Y/n-" Jennie was cut off
"It's true Jennie. You're only going to use me to get that company" Y/n said looking up at her
"All those moments when you were very rude to me. I felt fine, I could tolerate such moments but when I realized that you were only using me. That's when it started to hurt" Y/n confessed
"I understand, you hated Taehyung, that explains your attitude towards me. But ordering me around and telling me what to do just to make a perfect image of us in public? I kinda hated that" Y/n added
"You only cared about what your parents think, and the people around you" Y/n said the harsh truth
"You didn't care about what I think. About what I felt. I bet you didn't even care about me, not even the slightest thought was spared in your mind, for Kim Y/n" Y/n frowned

It was Jennie's turn to become silent. She was dumbfounded by the moment. Jennie was trying to form her own words. 

"Ah, so that's why you're so upset. WHAT IF I TOLD YOU THE TRUTH Y/N? YES, I ONLY CARED ABOUT THE COMPANY, I DIDN'T GIVE A FUCK WHO THE HELL I AM MARRYING, AS LONG AS I CAN GET A GRIP OF THAT HIGH POSITION. Is that what you thought?!" Jennie lost her patience, she didn't want to lose in an argument

Jennie suddenly felt her eyes water. Y/n panicked at what he saw. He didn't mean what he said. Y/n is absolutely in love with Jennie, no one else. He just can't accept the fact that Jennie only wanted the company

"You told me- You told me you liked me. And now you're saying that you changed your mind?! Have you gone crazy?!" Jennie yelled holding her tears

Y/n then realized at that moment. Jennie- Jennie was only jealous. Jennie liked him. Jennie finally showed signs that Y/n could understand

"I'll let you choose. You can go and run into Chaeyoung right now or you'll stay here with me" Jennie finally let go of her tears, slowly going down her cheeks, as she let go of her tears, she let go of her pride too. Jennie finally indirectly said that she liked Y/n

The small fire of hope ignited again, but this time, Y/n was sure. At that moment, he wants to spend the rest of his life with the woman in front of him. 

Y/n thought for a moment and turned around, acting like he was going to run into Chaeyoung. Taking a few steps away.

Before turning back and running into Jennie.

Y/n put both of his hands on Jennie's cheeks and leaned in.

Having the courage to finally take the initiative

Y/n kissed Jennie

And you know what's surprising?

Jennie closed her eyes and kissed back

Y/n mentally smiled.

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