Chapter 33: Best Friend

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I put on my seat belt with an exhale, while I looked to my left and saw Jennie doing the same.

"What's with the stare?" Jennie asks, noticing my actions
"Nothing, just admiring your airport fit" I turned my attention to the car key to start the engine
"In case you didn't know, Y/n you're so bad at lying" Jennie replies
"Fine, since you badly want me to say it. I will miss you, for those 2 months" I gave in hearing her chuckle
"Y/n baby, we are living in such an advanced age, you'll probably get to see me on call every week" Jennie reminds
"You're right, I might just be overreacting" I shook my head

Jennie suddenly kissed my right cheek

"I'll miss you too" Jennie stated making me smile
"Now it makes me more sad. I won't be getting kisses from you for quite a while" I made a joke, hearing Jennie laugh
"You've gone quite flirty Y/n. You better not use that on other ladies while I'm gone" Jennie also made a joke, wait is it a joke?
"Why would I do that if I have the prettiest girlfriend?"


I stopped the car at the unloading area of the airport. Cameras were directed at Jennie's car, making me worry a bit.

"I still can't believe you deal with this every day" I commented as Jennie undid her seat belt
"Don't stress about it. You will get used to it" Jennie looked at me one last time but I was kinda distracted, but my eyes still ended up staring at her
"Jennie" I called 

Jennie smiled and went for my lips. I was savoring her goodbye kiss. It was short but sweet.

"See you soon, Y/n" Jennie held my left cheek
"I love you more than anything" Jennie adds
"I love you above everything" I kissed her hand before she slowly pulled it away

Jennie opened the car door and left.

I was just there looking as she started to walk near the paparazzi, taking pictures before the crowd went crazy, blocking my vision of her, that's when I lost sight of Jennie.

I turned my attention to the steering wheel, wearing a bitter smile before driving off.


Agonizing 2 months have passed.

Every weekend, Jennie calls. She texted me every day, even though she was busy. I told her, she should focus on her work, I didn't want to be a burden. She asked if it was going to be okay and took my advice. It's been a week since I got a text/call from her. Jennie mentioned she was shooting for an American drama which I felt happy for her. Too bad it extended her stay abroad but hey, it's for work so it's fine by me. 

Now let's talk about the present, still working at JN cafe. I had to over time since I had to cover for one of my workmates who was sick.

I put down the tray before giving the lady her iced americano, but when I was about to leave she suddenly grabbed the tray.

"Anything else miss?" I asked
"You look familiar, are you an internet personality?" The lady asked
"You're mistaken miss" I replied with a short smile
"Aren't you Jennie Kim's boyfriend?" She squints her eyes to look at me more clearly
"Yes I am" I replied not thinking
"Great, I just want to ask a few questions" The lady suddenly brings out a mini notebook and a voice recorder
"Uhh" I took the tray when she let go of it

I wasn't sure if I should respond to her. I was frozen in place, thinking. Out of a sudden, someone in a hoodie and mask stood between me and the table

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